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  1. PoultryQueen101

    Found abandoned duckling. Its very afraid.

    Also, it cant be roeun or mallard/mallard call because of the eye stripe and pointed bill, which leaves muscovy, but color pattern took me to mallard! What are your native duck species? Whatever it is, im almost positive it was bred domestic becUse its a bit late for any bird to have babies...
  2. PoultryQueen101

    Found abandoned duckling. Its very afraid.

    Muscovy ducks are native to central america, and I think ive heard they migrate in texas too. Yeah, unless a muscovy decided canada waz a good place to live, it is an abandoned duck from someone. I dont know if this was asked yet, but are there farms near you that might raise ducks? Within 10...
  3. PoultryQueen101

    Found abandoned duckling. Its very afraid.

    Oh yeah, didnt notice that. Could be muscovy then.
  4. PoultryQueen101

    Found abandoned duckling. Its very afraid.

    It could be either a wild/tame muacovy, a wild/tame mallard, or a roeun. @miss ladia, I agree, does it have a painted bean. The bean is the end of the bill. If not, then maybe a mallard. What I mean by tame is that its parents were domestic while it was abandoned.
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