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  1. rancher hicks

    Ameraucana rooster? Your thoughts please.

    Well now, I can't see it hurts to educate folks. Saw a posting for a "White" Wyandotte rooster on CL. Really? Too the IFCC might see the Buttercup and go "oohhh those are pretty, I think I'll get me some".
  2. rancher hicks

    Ameraucana rooster? Your thoughts please.

    Well now I personally don't keep Amers cuz there are so many odd balls out there being passed off as Amers. I just keep EE's with pure Amer or Aruacana mixed in for the colored eggs. I have a Lavender Aruacana roo with sagging wings and one of my own roos who's father was a Lavender Amer...
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