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  1. Gen9

    North Carolina

    T Thank you! He might take time off to take care of our daughter while we're gone. I might have to leave earlier than expected, so if that happens he'll have the "easy" job of turning eggs every 8 hours & adding water every few hours. If we go next month as planned, he'll have the exciting but...
  2. Gen9

    North Carolina

    I've heard cattle wormer (I forgot the name... anyone?) works best, of all wormers. It kills the worms off slowly. Killing the worms off too fast can hurt or kill your chicken. If the chickens have more than one type of worm, the cattle wormer will get rid of all 4. i think wazine only gets rid...
  3. Gen9

    North Carolina

    Black in combs? Stuffing then slamming cages? I despise that too! How awful :( I don't think I'll ever go to a flock swap. I'd rather just swap on here anyway :)
  4. Gen9

    North Carolina

    Mine are hatching the first week of April - if you're about 2.5 hrs drive away - don't think the drive - even half way - would be worth it for mine lol. They don't seem to meet the standard IMO. If you weren't asking me, just ignore this lol Good luck on you're search Awesome! Good luck...
  5. Gen9

    North Carolina

    You're about 5 hours from me. I have marans, but I don't think they're the French or English standard. I have a couple cockerels & hatching a few marans eggs right now. Their eggs are no where near as dark as I thought they would be. I bred my roo with an Easter egger or Ameraucana (it's a...
  6. Gen9

    North Carolina

    Looks like a French black copper marans to me! I could be wrong.
  7. Gen9

    North Carolina

    Where are you located?
  8. Gen9

    North Carolina

    Looking forward to seeing your pics!
  9. Gen9

    North Carolina

    I'm only a few days ahead of you then! Good luck :D Edit: My husband will be in charge of the lockdown, my son & I have to travel out of town that day for his MRI. I was thinking to make a special account just for him in case he needs support while they hatch lol! I'm gonna miss out on the most...
  10. Gen9

    North Carolina

    I'm in April's hatch a long thread. Mine should be hatching the first week, your hatch date just in time for Easter, how exciting! I have a barnyard mix as well :) Most of them should turn out like this
  11. Gen9

    North Carolina

    Hi everyone! Well, the chick that wasn't doing so well in January, managed to make it but then a couple weeks ago was taken away by a cat or something. I thought my broody was a great mama but she is the WORST mom ever! She lost 2 chicks total - female chicks! so now I'm stuck with 3 cockerels...
  12. Gen9

    North Carolina

    I looked on Craigslist for east nc & no one is selling chicks right now, only taking orders. Anyone hatching chicks this month, maybe 1-2 hrs driving distance? I need one or 2 friends for this big boy right here (actually not sure if it's a boy) As you can see, it's not doing too well. I have...
  13. Gen9

    North Carolina

    Welcome! I planned on getting 4, then I bought 5 more. That was 2 years ago. I currently care for 32! Lol! I am still a newbie too :)
  14. Gen9

    North Carolina

    The one in the middle is a male, he has one black spot on him. The father is a splash but doesn't have much splash on him lol
  15. Gen9

    North Carolina

    Looks just like my blue copper splash Marans x black sex link chicks, & the reddish one kinda looks like my blue Marans x RIR (or New Hampshire Red -still not sure!) I also have this peachy colored pullet crossing my blue Marans with my so-called RIR! Hybrids are beautiful!
  16. Gen9

    North Carolina

    Good luck!!
  17. Gen9

    North Carolina

    I'm maxed out, but not only that, I live 6 1/2 hrs away! I wish I could take him :( Hope you find him a good home
  18. Gen9

    North Carolina

    Getting ready to meet skitzkle today :D Have a good one ya'll
  19. Gen9

    North Carolina

    IMH(& little experienced)O; No matter what breed that's in high demand, if you breed for health and longevity you will have great sales. Since we got that covered, I'm thinking along the lines of heritage breeds, especially those that are threatened or listed as critical. That would be a "high...
  20. Gen9

    North Carolina

    I've been reading up on worming my chickens. I bought some wazine, now I just need to get my hands on valbazen. She might be over loaded with worms so be careful when you worm her. From what I've read (not by experience) too many worms dying off at the same time can block the intestines and kill...
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