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  1. Hatch N Eggs

    North Carolina

    Good morning everyone. We pulled a HUGE bowl of veggies from the garden yesterday evening. All this rain is great for the veggies, but the weeds are impossible to keep up with! We're also in the middle of a hatch, which is always exciting. Since there is so many posts on here and I can never...
  2. Hatch N Eggs

    North Carolina

    I saw those birds up close and in person last week at the zoo! Very cool!!
  3. Hatch N Eggs

    North Carolina

    Good almost afternoon all! Hope everyone has a blessed weekend!
  4. Hatch N Eggs

    North Carolina

    I'm with Mary, it sounds like she is egg bound. I've even heard of people using a steam bath on their birds to help. Hope you get it straightened out and she does better.
  5. Hatch N Eggs

    North Carolina

    Happy Thursday everyone. I'm late getting going this morning. Thank goodness there is only about a wk of school left. I am drained fighting with children to try and get them ready. Every morning is a fight around here and it just pure wears me out! Anyway, hope everyone has a great up coming...
  6. Hatch N Eggs

    North Carolina

    Mine get up and eat and drink until it's close to hatch time, then they will not move.
  7. Hatch N Eggs

    North Carolina

    Seems like this is an odd hatch season. I had ducklings and chicks due that hatched out the day I locked them down, so they were almost 3 days early.
  8. Hatch N Eggs

    North Carolina

    I know I talked to her Sunday at WCA. I'm not in a big hurry, just as long as I get them before it gets chilly, so I got a bit. Bhep, you will have to let me know if my tip about the water pays off for you. I'm curious to see if your result is the same as mine was.
  9. Hatch N Eggs

    North Carolina

    Hello everyone! I hate that I can never seem to catch up on this thread, it's very active. I hope everyone had a safe, fun filled holiday weekend. Sorry to all those having issues with your birds. We had our first guineas hatch out, along with 9 pekin ducks (which I now need to get rid of)...
  10. Hatch N Eggs

    North Carolina

    I'm bringing some hatching eggs, rabbits, and possibly chicks.
  11. Hatch N Eggs

    North Carolina

    Hello all, I've not been on here in a long time. Busy with the birds and gardens. I absolutely love this time of year. Liked the livestock supply auction tonight, it seemed like a nice start for them. I'll be there Sunday. Still getting to know who everyone is so I don't know who's who on here...
  12. Hatch N Eggs

    North Carolina

    Good Morning everyone! Hope it's a great Thursday! The weekend is just around the corner. Yesterday I had some really cute crosses hatch. One was a cochin bantam/sultan cross and the other an americauna/leghorn cross. Also had my first cochin bantam in that bunch, they are cute as hatchlings...
  13. Hatch N Eggs

    North Carolina

    Good Morning Everyone!!
  14. Hatch N Eggs

    North Carolina

    Good morning everyone! Today, I'm planning on tilling 2 more garden plots and going to get paint to paint my coops. This should be fun! Have a great day all!
  15. Hatch N Eggs

    North Carolina

    Good Monday morning all! Boy, I'm starting to realize that you can really get behind if you don't stop by this site at least daily. WCA was great yesterday, a TON of boxes. I left before it was over, and I managed to get out of there with 2 doz hatching eggs, so needless to say, I had to buy...
  16. Hatch N Eggs

    North Carolina

    I think they are actually cuter than chicks are when they hatch, lol. They are some scary looking little things when they first come out of the shell. I think both chicks and ducks look kinda funny when they first hatch. It's when they dry, the cuteness begins.
  17. Hatch N Eggs

    North Carolina

    My first duckling FINALLY hatched tonight!! This little guy has been pipped since Monday, and taking his dear sweet time about entering the world. Now I can't wait to set some more eggs, lol!
  18. Hatch N Eggs

    North Carolina

    Lol, I really had no idea. Yes I would like that! Thank you Beth!
  19. Hatch N Eggs

    North Carolina

    They are really good about checking their animals, I've seen them turn animals away that looked sick. But obviously, they can't catch them all, no one can, but it does seem like the amount "bad looking" birds there are very minimal. They are a pretty good bunch of ppl and do a really good job...
  20. Hatch N Eggs

    North Carolina

    I never realized how many people on here attend the WCA, lol. I'm there almost every Sunday, but the only person I've ever "met" is Beth, lol. I really need to socialize more. I'm hating that I have to miss this Sunday, it sounds like they are going to have some really great stuff going on!
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