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  1. Junkmanme

    North Carolina

    Hi there, Miss Lydia ! Happy Friday ! ( and Happy SPRINGTIME ! ) -Junkmanme-
  2. Junkmanme

    North Carolina

    HI THERE, Beth ! Top-o'-tha-Mornin' to ya ! -Junkmanme-
  3. Junkmanme

    North Carolina

    G'Mornin' to ya thar in thet-thar Tar-Heel "neck-o'-tha-woods" ! I 'spect hits gonna be a nice cumfurtable day hyar in Western New Mexico ! I've got a LOT ta do today...BUT... I think I may decide to do NONE of it !!! Ha-Ha !!! Best to ya ! -Junkmanme-
  4. Junkmanme

    North Carolina

    HELLO, Wildriverswolf90 ! I see that you are in Polk County. My ancestors on my Father's side were all Polk County Folks ( it was in Rutherford County prior to 1856). 1. Your eggs are probably ALL Fertile...if the hens have been exposed to the rooster in the past 2 weeks. 2. Just collect...
  5. Junkmanme

    North Carolina

    Miss Lydia, BEST REGARDS !!! My late wife, who grew up in Pennsylvania, was accustomed to eating "Scrapple" as a child. I have it in her recipe book....but we never did make or eat it....although we often used some of the "Old Recipes". Perhaps I should try it some day! Ha-Ha ...
  6. Junkmanme

    North Carolina

    Quote: Okay...officially JEALOUS!! At least your bantam orp pullets aren't laying... I do hope they lay soon for you!! ML - Chicken & Dumpling soup?? What time can we be over?? Sounds yummy...I've never had dumplings (can you believe it??)!! So I've been reading this OLD...
  7. Junkmanme

    North Carolina

    Quote: Interesting idea. (But my skeptic side says: "It ain't gonna work.") -Junkmanme-
  8. Junkmanme

    North Carolina

    So....What do you think?? I think that I don't like the roof at all. Ha-Ha !!! -Junkmanme-
  9. Junkmanme

    North Carolina

    I know that it is illegal to fight roosters. AND, I know that it is illegal to fight dogs. But this ain't illegal is it? Do ya reckon thet one o' them-thar Emus could whup my Boxer Dog? (I doubt it...he's pretty quick and considerable stout.) Ha-Ha !!! -Junkmanme-
  10. Junkmanme

    North Carolina

    sorry, double posted. I forgot that I wasn't doing "double-entry bookKeeping".
  11. Junkmanme

    North Carolina

    Quote: Hiya, Miss Lydia (and all you other Tarheels !) ! I'm O.K. (but my old and wore-out "Blood-Pump" has been givin' me fits this month.... New Computer is giving YOU fits.....Hmmn. That's the trouble with "progress". About the time that you figure out your "old"'s old...
  12. Junkmanme

    North Carolina

    Have you finished LUNCH yet? It is ALREADY time for pictures, already ! Already.....Where are the pictures? Come-on ! Hurry it up ! Pictures! Pictures! Pictures! -Junkmanme-
  13. Junkmanme

    North Carolina

    Quote: That is often done with Celery, also. -Junkmanme-
  14. Junkmanme

    North Carolina

    I can't tolerate the "canned" asparagus. Too mushy. I've got an "asparagus steamer" that really does a fine job with fresh asparagus. (It's just a tall narrow stainless-steel pot with a wire insert to hold the asparagus.) -Junkmanme-
  15. Junkmanme

    North Carolina

    I planted 50 asparagus plants here about 10 years ago. Unfortunately, they had all died out by the 4th year. They were "choked-out" by the wild chicory in that area of my yard. I'd like to try again.....but it would take more digging that I'm allowed to attempt these days. Many years ago, in...
  16. Junkmanme

    North Carolina

    Quote: Is you a-tootin' yore own horn, sorta? What kinda "hatch-rate" has you been gettin' (on them-thar EMUs) ? (ye have already caused an Earthquake in Arkansas.....) -Junkmanme-
  17. Junkmanme

    North Carolina

    DOWN the "Hatch" !!! (an' I ain't talkin' 'bout yore in-cube-ator.) Ha-Ha !!! -Junkmanme-
  18. Junkmanme

    North Carolina

    SO....NOW --- I know the TRUTH ...all these decades...I have thought that people in Western North Carolina were SANE !!! Stupid me. Y'all are CRAZY as LOONS !!! I'm gonna spend some time talking with my dog. At least I know he's as SANE as I am. (although smarter than me.) CRAZY TARHEELS ...
  19. Junkmanme

    North Carolina

    Quote: My Opinion: #1 Buff Orpington #2 New Hampshire #3 Plymouth Rock just one person's opinion. -Junkmanme-
  20. Junkmanme

    North Carolina

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