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  1. Lizabelsherrill

    North Carolina

    I need some help! My roo has had a problem with one of my hens. He chases her if she gets too close to treats and/or he feels like she's hogging everything. I thought he was doing this because she was a bit of a bully. My husband found her sleeping under the nest boxes the other night and...
  2. Lizabelsherrill

    North Carolina

    They are too cute!
  3. Lizabelsherrill

    North Carolina

    One of my new lavender birds was carried away over the weekend. All I have left is a pile of feathers in the yard. There are times when I really dislike wildlife!
  4. Lizabelsherrill

    North Carolina

    I am so sorry! Don't be hard on didn't make any of those things happen. It would be so much easier if our animals would stay out of the road! I hope tomorrow is a better day.
  5. Lizabelsherrill

    North Carolina

    This morning when I went out to feed and water the chickens, who have NO desire to come outside. We had 10 inches with another 3-5 coming this afternoon. It wouldn't be so bad but my DH is on call this week and he has to stay in Greensboro. Thank God we haven't lost power! I hope everyone...
  6. Lizabelsherrill

    North Carolina

    I don't mind the snow as long as it's gone before Saturday!! I've got things to do and chickens to get.
  7. Lizabelsherrill

    North Carolina

    Sanford is not too far. I would love some lavender birds for my flock.
  8. Lizabelsherrill

    North Carolina

    Gorgeous colors! Right now I only have one or two girls laying and I only get brown. I'm hoping in the spring I'll get some nice color from my EEs. They were too young to start laying before it got cold. I will definitely be looking for more color in my egg basket once it warms up.
  9. Lizabelsherrill

    North Carolina

    My goodness! I didn't realize it had been so long since I had been on here. It seems like I have missed a lot but at 5:00 am I am not going to be able to read 300+ posts. I hope everyone, new and old, are doing well. My time has been gobbled up by play practice for the Christmas play at...
  10. Lizabelsherrill

    North Carolina

    Good morning! I hope everyone is enjoying the cooler weather. I noticed yesterday that after Patty had something to eat she went to the nest box.'s time to lay an egg. She was in there all evening...even when the others went to roost. This morning she was STILL in there. Is there...
  11. Lizabelsherrill

    North Carolina

    They're really pretty! $10 is a good price.
  12. Lizabelsherrill

    North Carolina

    Good morning! We had a productive weekend. Run is 3/4 of the way done. And the quarantine/grow out pen is done!!!
  13. Lizabelsherrill

    North Carolina

    Hahahahaha. I love this video. I just got chickens this year and live on 3/4 I don't really have acreage to plow but have seriously thought about what other types of animals we could raise. Mmmmmm beef.
  14. Lizabelsherrill

    North Carolina

    Oh Wild, I am so sorry for your loss! You and your mother are in my prayers.
  15. Lizabelsherrill

    North Carolina

    Quote There is a thread on BYC about training dogs. I'm at work so I can't post the link but it was titled: My dog chasing chickens. --solved! - Page 6 The writer used a vibration/shock collar to train the dog. She said it was very successful. You could even use it to train him not to run...
  16. Lizabelsherrill

    North Carolina

    Pretty? Maybe...pretty creepy. Can chickens eat them? Or are they poisonous?
  17. Lizabelsherrill

    North Carolina

    I am so sorry that you lost a chick that way. Your others are beautiful though!!
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