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  1. NeeleysAVLChicks

    North Carolina

    HI GUYS!!! I hope everyone is doing well, I apologize for not being around much in the last few months. I swear every spare minute is spent trying to keep up with the garden and the chickens. I have 2 Blue Ameraucana roosters that I'd like to go to a good home. They are super sweet fellas and...
  2. NeeleysAVLChicks

    North Carolina

    Quote: WHAT?! 41! Lydia, I've met you, seen you with my very own eyes and I just can't possibly believe that! I would of easily guessed YOU were in your early 40s, no WAY I woulda guessed you have kids that age! Goodness, you have aged very, very well I must say.
  3. NeeleysAVLChicks

    North Carolina

    Quote: I did see the link that BHep shared a while back on incubators...I was stoked because they have a whole classroom kit!! Trying to decide if we want the classroom kit or if it would be better to have our children learn from the hens themselves. I can see pros and cons for both. The...
  4. NeeleysAVLChicks

    North Carolina

    Good morning everybody!! Gah, it's a rainy morning, the world of the day is MUD. It sure is going to help get a kickstart on spring! Geez, you're not around for just a couple days and look at all this activity! CONGRATS NH on the chicken convincing!! That's SO exciting!! And so funny about...
  5. NeeleysAVLChicks

    North Carolina

    Quote: They are too cute!! Do you want a couple?
  6. NeeleysAVLChicks

    North Carolina

    Quote: I love Old Fort, such a pretty area!!
  7. NeeleysAVLChicks

    North Carolina

    Good morning everybody! Beautiful day in the mountains, a little chilly, but gorgeous!! I had an EXCELLENT hatch this weekend! 4 little Blue Ameracuanas and 9 Easter Eggers!! I should call this the Morganton Poultry Show hatch, got all the hatching eggs that weekend. NADINE! I had 100% hatch...
  8. NeeleysAVLChicks

    North Carolina

    It's a gorgeous day in WNC!! I hope everyone is having a great day! Went home at lunch and every single one of my girls were out completely melting in the sunshine, gotta love that one-leg out, dead chicken pose! My little olive egger is still holding on, eating a tad bit more and still talking...
  9. NeeleysAVLChicks

    North Carolina

    Thanks to everyone for the kind words about my sweet girl, very much appreciated! Not many folks around here understand true chicken love like you guys do. BUT alas, all may not be lost! I went home at lunch to check on her and she was significantly more alert and mobile compared to this...
  10. NeeleysAVLChicks

    North Carolina

    Quote: WOW! THANK YOU!!! This is a huge, huge help. I don't want to make the poor little girl worse, I'm just starting to get the feeling that if I don't do something, she's not going to make it much longer. Goodness, wish you and Lydia could come on over and help me with this! If you do...
  11. NeeleysAVLChicks

    North Carolina

    Quote: Awesome! Thank you Lisa! I definitely saw one just like that yesterday when I was raiding CVS for supplies in preparation for tonight. I'll pick one up on my way home. I'll keep you guys updated on how it goes!! Ekkk!! PS CUTEST BABY PICTURE EVER!! Ug, my biological clock is already...
  12. NeeleysAVLChicks

    North Carolina

    Quote: WOW! THANK YOU!!! This is a huge, huge help. I don't want to make the poor little girl worse, I'm just starting to get the feeling that if I don't do something, she's not going to make it much longer. Goodness, wish you and Lydia could come on over and help me with this! If you do...
  13. NeeleysAVLChicks

    North Carolina

    Hi there my NC buddies!! I haven't been able to haunt the NC thread in my usual fashion, been too busy taking advantage of the warm weather and cleaning up coops and garden!! WHOOT! BCSilkies- Sandy, I'm so sorry to hear that your husband has been ill, but SO happy to hear that he's doing much...
  14. NeeleysAVLChicks

    North Carolina

    Quote: She was in leicester, NC. Hmmm, now I'm all curious who that might be! I try to keep up on all the poultry folk in Leicester, but I don't know anyone with Orps! Could you PM me her name?
  15. NeeleysAVLChicks

    North Carolina

    Quote: Those are bantams?!?! Look at that fluff!!
  16. NeeleysAVLChicks

    North Carolina

    Quote: Goodness, that would've been so much fun! Next show, I'm going to have to suddenly "come down with something" and hightail it to Bat Cave! Get a good night sleep everyone, can't wait to see all of you!!
  17. NeeleysAVLChicks

    North Carolina

    Quote: If you're planning on locking them up every night, you could just cover the top with deer netting, that's what I've done. Pretty cheap and will keep the hawks relatively at bay. Not raccoon proof for sure, but it's worked for me for several years now. Do need to replace it every once in...
  18. NeeleysAVLChicks

    North Carolina

    Quote: Goodness Sandy, wish I wasn't working today, woulda loved to come help you bathe those sweet little beauties of yours! Only a few more hours of work left, getting PUMPED about tomorrow!
  19. NeeleysAVLChicks

    North Carolina

    Just a reminder for all NC guys and gals! I hope a bunch of you fine folks can make it, looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting lots of new NC BYC folks!! More info here: Friendship Poultry Club Presents its Annual...
  20. NeeleysAVLChicks

    North Carolina

    Quote: Awww, that's wonderful! So glad they're getting along! I sure hope s/he doesn't turn out to be a rooster for you (unless of course you want one!) but in case s/he does and you don't want to keep/eat him, let me know. There's a great farm out in Leicester with a huge free ranging...
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