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  1. bobhoke

    North Carolina

  2. bobhoke

    North Carolina

  3. bobhoke

    North Carolina

  4. bobhoke

    North Carolina

    I have an OE that just hatched (two days old), but it won't get up and walk and its eyes are still closed. Should we just let it die because its not really eating, but when we touch it it chirps like crazy and the hen tries to help it out. It still has a little bit of the umbilical cord hanging...
  5. bobhoke

    North Carolina

    I'm the bird mgr at the house, but out of the area and the wife is filling the gap. Anyhow, our 7 month old golden retriever caught a six month old Australorp hen. The hen lived and nothing is apparently broke. She just has land locked herself in the coop, but move around with ease. The wife...
  6. bobhoke

    North Carolina

    My hens go broody every 25-30 days like clock work. I have them down on a 90 day cycle. lay for 25-30 days sit for 21-22 days raise clutch for 30 days and it starts all over...all year long Bantam Cochins / 1 year old / NC
  7. bobhoke

    North Carolina

    Live trap him and kill it.
  8. bobhoke

    North Carolina

    Me 3
  9. bobhoke

    North Carolina

    See someone local who can just give you 16 fertile eggs. 50/50 chance. 2/hen. McMurray is as expensive as heck though. Someone nearby has so many fertile eggs that they just can't get rid of them - its that season. I would if I could, but I don't let my roosters get old enough to support...
  10. bobhoke

    North Carolina

    I'm in Moore county. I have whats gonna be a mean Wyndotte rooster. Its about three weeks old now. If you want him contact me and come pick it up. Healthy as a horse, but mean as hell. I'm fix'n to box'm, get'm fat and eat'm - anti social lil turd. He gone as soon as he cluck a doodle coos once...
  11. bobhoke

    North Carolina

    How did that chick get all the way up there? 5ft high and its two weeks old...
  12. bobhoke

    North Carolina

    What are bloodies?
  13. bobhoke

    North Carolina

    As BYC indicates, I'm just out of the brooder, thus learning. We have six bantam cochins (BC) and they were < 1 y/o and four went broody simultaneously. The other two went broody three weeks later. All of them have their clutches hatched now totaling 25 birds. I read some about other breeds and...
  14. bobhoke

    North Carolina

    If you need a broody hen I empire state building highly recommend bantam cochins...omg. They seem to be hyper motherly.
  15. bobhoke

    North Carolina

    I would think the birds would eat all those ants. Thanks for the tip. I will keep an eye out for that in the summer.
  16. bobhoke

    North Carolina

    You know I said a couple were silver. Well one definitely is after further review. So one hen (Hillary for H. Clinton) hatched all five of her eggs. The other, Angie (A. Merkel) hatched 3 of 5. Well when I got up this morning each had four. That means this little chick about six hours old took...
  17. bobhoke

    North Carolina

    The third photo is kinda gray / purplish / brown...neat color but I really don't know. Call me blind. The silver ones dried more and they are yellow white with black dots. The last broody hen has two more to go. The first set of broody hens were attacking these hen's chicks....something else I'm...
  18. bobhoke

    North Carolina

    Hatch day!
  19. bobhoke

    North Carolina

    Sounds like a kodak moment. I like the first few days more than all the others, especially when I realize they are roosters. Freezer fills up fast. Our first hatch was 11 birds and six are roos.
  20. bobhoke

    North Carolina

    Hi, How are your StarMeKritten? Nice to hear from you! Patty and I were just out there to see round 2 and we have two early peepers cracking through. Its day 20.5 right now. The girls sitting are acting really jittery so I hope we have a high hatch rate. Last time we got 11 of 17. I am really...
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