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  1. obxbum

    North Carolina

    31.9 in deep gap this morning.i bet the kids were cold last night. they better get used to it. if you've never been to our weather website on this side of the state, take a look. it was started by a professor at app. has really expanded in the 10 plus yrs it's been around.
  2. obxbum

    North Carolina

    hello folks. got a question for my peeps down on the east side of the state. I'm going to be down in the morehead city area at the end of the month and want to stop somewhere and purchase several blueberry plants.(10-20) i've looked online, but can only find a few farms. dan finch, and cashwell...
  3. obxbum

    North Carolina

    welcome ken and wendy!!!!
  4. obxbum

    North Carolina

    i have some welsummer roo's
  5. obxbum

    North Carolina

    so I've been moving/renovating the last couple weeks and haven't had time for much else. I have finished my two runs and have all my kids in the two runs/coops. the 6 week olds had a cold night last night. 31 degrees in banner elk. around 36 here. they were fine in the coop. I'm gonna take lots...
  6. obxbum

    North Carolina

    hello tracy! i live in boone but have a house about 10 miles away from you in grandy. my in-laws run united turf. welcome!!!
  7. obxbum

    North Carolina

    i'm going to buy one at some point, tell us what you think after you use it.
  8. obxbum

    North Carolina

  9. obxbum

    North Carolina

    where in the hc are you?
  10. obxbum

    North Carolina

    you sell the molasses?
  11. obxbum

    North Carolina

    hey yall, i have 4 week old chicks and really need to put them in the coop.(20 of them) i live in boone and the nights are getting down into the high 40's. the coop is fairly protected from the elements. is it ok to put them out there? thx, andy
  12. obxbum

    North Carolina

    he's good looking though
  13. obxbum

    North Carolina

    that sounds really good, all i have is the coffee....from colombia
  14. obxbum

    North Carolina

    rained some yesterday, and a t-storm last night, happy saturday to all!
  15. obxbum

    North Carolina

    chicken scratch poultry. we ordered three with our order. we could get an extra but you're a long way from boone.
  16. obxbum

    North Carolina

    i ordered a few olive eggers just the other day. cross of a copper maran and a americana
  17. obxbum

    North Carolina

    i just bushhogged a lot where i'm gonna put my run. do i need to do anything like put down sevin or de? it was way overgrown and had wild rabbits and other animals on it. thx folks.
  18. obxbum

    North Carolina

    is that a black snake?
  19. obxbum

    North Carolina

    I haven't added up the total in materials, it did take about 20 hrs of labor. A labor of love though. I have actually thought about building more and selling them, I would not make much, but its a fun hobby. Plus I would get to meet other chicken lovers. I thought about taking one to lincolnton...
  20. obxbum

    North Carolina

    these are the coops i just built for my chickens when it's time to leave the brooder. (2 week olds) i'm gonna build a run between two of them. the sides lift up for easy access to the eggs/cleaning and they are waterproof when closed. vinyl floor, nesting boxes, and roosting bar inside. i'm...
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