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  1. JennySkarsten

    First Eggs

    I have the one hen laying out of six and I don't hear any egg song either. I have now limited their free ranging to a couple hours in the evening as I have to keep my eyes on them and they tend to wander into the neighbors yard and even once into my front yard flower bed. I keep them in the...
  2. JennySkarsten

    First Eggs

    I use golf balls. They are harder and heavier than plastic eggs. If they are burying them that means they are moving the straw around and preparing for that first egg!! Are they also EE?
  3. JennySkarsten

    First Eggs

    OMG!! So sweet!! Wish I had done this when they were chicks but did not know about this until they were 4 months old. Love this picture!!
  4. JennySkarsten

    First Eggs

    Thank you flock master. I had read that if you rub a chickens belly that it would put them to sleep so I had to try and you can see she is shutting her eyes. LOL Try it. I just turned her over on my lap and she fussed for a few seconds then stopped. She had no choice!! She really did enjoy...
  5. JennySkarsten

    First Eggs

    Thank you tcstoehr.
  6. JennySkarsten

    First Eggs

    Thank you Mallory. All of my hens are getting real curious, looking in the nest boxes and picking at the golf balls and when the first egg was laid a few were checking it out. But I am inclined to think that it is the one he laying right now. You have been very helpful.
  7. JennySkarsten

    First Eggs

    Thank you Ranier.
  8. JennySkarsten

    First Eggs

    Thanks Jeff.
  9. JennySkarsten

    First Eggs

    I have gotten 3 eggs in 4 days. I know which one laid the first one because I saw her in the nesting box trying to lay. Don't the eggs get bigger with each egg? My question is this. All 3 are the same shade of green and the same size. I am wondering if they are from the same hen or different...
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