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    Thoughts on the Flat panel heaters for the coop?

    They are all cold Hearty breeds I think? This is my first year with the ladies, I have 10 3-Light Brahmas, 3 Easter Eggers, 3 Barred Rocks, and 1 Golden Comet I was told. They are about 13 weeks old it is pretty cold already about 20 degrees or slightly lower and I had already decided that I...

    Thoughts on the Flat panel heaters for the coop?

    Does any one have suggestions, or experience on the flat panel wall heaters? Looking to get one just so the water cooler & nipples don't freeze. Looking at a cozy legs one on amazon either 150 watt or 400 watt. Not sure the 150Watt would be enough? My coop is about 8X6 with high ceilings its...
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