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  1. AmyLynn2374

    Emergency advice for a novice

    Awesome hatch! Great job. Like I said, you find what's comfortable for you and you go with it. If I feel a chick needs help I help. Nay sayers can zip Congrats!
  2. AmyLynn2374

    Emergency advice for a novice

    Doing what you think is right is part of hatching. I helped my malepositioned (she would not have gotten out w/o help, I have no doubt) and she is now a healthy 9 week old. There's always a chance they won't make it, but you have to do what you think is the right decision. :-)
  3. AmyLynn2374

    Emergency advice for a novice

    Yay on the eight!! on the loss. It really sounds as though the egg did not let enough moisture out. Hopiing on of those in the brooder was the malepositioned chick??
  4. AmyLynn2374

    Emergency advice for a novice

    It's quite possible if it is "blowing bubbles" that that egg did not loose enough moisture and the chick has breathed it in which may cause it to drown. I have not delt with this or seen it personally, so I can't say for sure, but that's what it sounds like to me.
  5. AmyLynn2374

    Emergency advice for a novice

    That is a personal choice. Alot of people don't move them out until after the hatch is complete. Some people move them out periodically. I assume your brooder is warmed up and ready to go? I personally remove mine at intervals now. I find they fluff up better in the brooder under the light and I...
  6. AmyLynn2374

    Emergency advice for a novice

    Awesome! Has the malepositioned one hatched?
  7. AmyLynn2374

    Emergency advice for a novice

    Totally understandable. lol
  8. AmyLynn2374

    Emergency advice for a novice

    No. Wait until one of them hatch and start knocking the others around. A little bump and roll shouldn't hurt them.
  9. AmyLynn2374

    Emergency advice for a novice

    Mine are mutts. I love them! It's best not to open the incubator anymore than neccessary until the hatch is done. (Some people won't open even to assist a chick having problems. I will if I feel it's neccessary, but I also keep my humidity up there quite high at hatch.) When you open the...
  10. AmyLynn2374

    Emergency advice for a novice

    He's not just under the air cell, he's malepositioned. He pipped the wrong end of the air cell. The pip is all the way through the membrane right? I would keep an eye on him. If he's pipped through the shell and membrane he may be ok as long as he is getting outside air. Keep an eye on his...
  11. AmyLynn2374

    Emergency advice for a novice

    LOL. That's natural, though if they have just pipped, you most likely won't be watching much except little beaks peeking out to get some fresh air. Make sure you keep us posted on the progress and when they hatch. How many do you have in the bator and what kind?
  12. AmyLynn2374

    Emergency advice for a novice

    Nope. They are fine. The air sac is probably actually a little bigger than you think if you are going by your last mark at lockdown. Day 19 is fine. My last hatch most of them pipped at 19, though none zipped until 20. Just remember after they pip it can take up to 24 hours (possibily more, but...
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