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  1. mommhen

    My Silkie eggs are Hatching under my broody, some advice please!

    Wow that's awesome! My roo is very very friendly as well, but just much to clumsy around the nest lol.
  2. mommhen

    My Silkie eggs are Hatching under my broody, some advice please!

    Klantas:: I have a rooster and for the 1st hatch I tried keeping them together and it was no good! My roo would climb over the eggs and mount my hen while she was trying to to incubate them. So bad idea to keep them together!! I made a "make-shift" maternity ward in my coop. I just took 1/2...
  3. mommhen

    My Silkie eggs are Hatching under my broody, some advice please!

    My Silkie just hatched 4 of the 6 eggs I let her incubate. There were 2 eggs that she left at the nest, one was piped internally... I could hear the chick chirping... so what I did was put the egg in a box with pine shavings and my red light.....and about 2 hours later my fiance and I...
  4. mommhen

    My Silkie eggs are Hatching under my broody, some advice please!

    Thanks for the advice!! I poked my head in there tonight and I saw 2 more cute little dry babies come out to say hi. They are so small and adorable! I will let mommy do her thing until she is ready to leave the nest. Can't wait to officially meet these little babies!
  5. mommhen

    My Silkie eggs are Hatching under my broody, some advice please!

    My Silkie is hatching a small clutch. I poked my head in the maternity ward I made her tonight (it's day 21) and I saw a sweet little yellow face chick poke it's head out from her belly...super excited!! I'm wondering how long I have to wait to intervene, and when I allowed to hold the babies...
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