My Silkie eggs are Hatching under my broody, some advice please!

Wow that's awesome! My roo is very very friendly as well, but just much to clumsy around the nest lol.
Wow that's awesome! My roo is very very friendly as well, but just much to clumsy around the nest lol.
After seeing what happened with the marans, I would never recommend to anyone keeping them together, but for some reason my silkies have a system figured out. One of my broodies was hatching Th-Sat and never left the nest. It's like she knew when it was time to give up. She was sitting on 9, and walked into the pen yesterday with 7 little fluff balls around her. The rooster came up to see them, and the other hens just carried on like nothing had changed. My d'uccle broody should hatch sometime between Sun-Tue

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