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  1. Grace Boyer


    panner123 What is said simple test? What does it entail and how do you do it?
  2. Grace Boyer


    I'm planning on cleaning out the trough as soon as I get a chance.May be a couple days, but they haven't been using it much lately anyway. '' A little on the old side'' or maybe a lot on the old side. Actually, I don't think I can get any more chickens at this point anyway, because chicknmania...
  3. Grace Boyer


    Niftola! My scraps trough has hundreds of them in it. Next question. Are table scraps okay for them as long as they'll eat them, or is there a point that they'll still eat over-spoiled scaps that will make them sick? I've never had any trouble with that before, but I've always had more chickens...
  4. Grace Boyer


    This isn't an emergency, but I didn't know where else to put it. Is it safe for chickens to eat maggots? I know other bugs are healthy, but Iwouldn't think maggots would be. Mine love to ea them when they can find them, though, so if they're okay I don't want to get rid of them. Does anyone...
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