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  1. Lin20

    Which breeds did you wish you got?

    My silkie I got in early May has finally gone broody! And her sister insists on cramping into the nest box with her! Anyone ever had a rooster sit by the hens side? He doesn't seem to want to leave her. [/quote My silkie got broody and her faithful companion sat next to her too. I think chooks...
  2. Lin20

    Which breeds did you wish you got?

    Yes they do haha. My silkie was like that too. My pekin bantam always sang but never got an egg from her. Now that it is winter where I am, I won't raise my hopes to high. :D
  3. Lin20

    Which breeds did you wish you got?

    Oh good on you lol. Yes we love them all despite no eggs. Hope to hear their egg song and when that happens I'll rush out hoping to collect an egg. :D
  4. Lin20

    Which breeds did you wish you got?

    I knew nothing about chicken breeds and in my search for a coop, I got 2 chooks that came with the coop I bought. A pekin bantam and a silkie. They turned out to be wonderful pets for the kids but only the silkie gave eggs for a month before getting broody. Hence we got an isa brown chick to...
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