Which breeds did you wish you got?


5 Years
Sep 3, 2014
New Jersey
Just curious to see if anyone wished they had added to their flock a certain breed, but did not and why?

I think I would have added an easter egger just because of the different color eggs other than brown or white.
we got a variety for the start of our flock. Americaunas (easter eggers), Rhode Island reds, Isa Browns, Black Sex Link, and Austrolorpes. (plus a Pekin and 3 Rowen ducks) We look forward to adding new varieties. I want to get some silkies as I hear they are so gentle and love being held =) Hubby wants unusual looking ones.....so our flock Will be growing =)
we got a variety for the start of our flock. Americaunas (easter eggers), Rhode Island reds, Isa Browns, Black Sex Link, and Austrolorpes. (plus a Pekin and 3 Rowen ducks) We look forward to adding new varieties. I want to get some silkies as I hear they are so gentle and love being held =) Hubby wants unusual looking ones.....so our flock Will be growing =)

I have two Australorps ... they are not bad, very good layers ... I would not get new hampshire reds ... the two that I have can be very aggressive
yes..The Reds we have are aggressive also..they are my least favorite and we decided no more reds! we love the austrolorpes..they are so gentle ..lol..and the first to go to bed at night =)
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If I had ordered every breed I wanted my first time, they'd have had to deliver them by freight straight to my door because the PO couldn't have handled it! I got Golden Laced Wyandottes (ended up disliking them so much I re-homed them), Easter Eggers (really like them, will always have some in my flock) Buff Orpingtons (re-homed all but one of them), Speckled Sussex (also rehomed), Cuckoo Marans (like them a lot) and Red Sex Links, another I won't be without in my flock.

I should mention that a lady who lives close by has 4 kids and her husband was a way for an extended time - she was determined to get by on her own and be as self-sufficient as possible. Chickens for meat and eggs were a big part of that plan. Stray dogs killed every one of her chickens just before they had started laying...mine were already laying so all of those rehomed went to her, along with a leftover roll of hardware cloth and some assistance in predator proofing her coop and run.

My dream breeds included Light Brahmas, Buff Brahmas, and Cream LegBars. I didn't get them because I just plain ran out of room to add them, and being new to chickens I wanted to try the other varieties I mentioned because they were recommended as good ones for beginners. I have finally added the Light and Buff Brahmas this year, and have been presented with a wonderful opportunity, thanks to another BYCer, to get some Cream LegBar eggs, which I'm very excited about.
I would like to add Buckeyes to my flock but just haven't. They are difficult to find and struggling with limiting chicken math.....

I also have had a variety come and go to my flock. Didn't like the SL Wyndottes, nor the Brahmas (of course we had a lot of roosters). Love the Barred (and most any other color) Rocks, Dorkings and Silkies.
Next year will be a nearly total "flock reset" for me - that fall all but 5 of my current flock will be reaching the end of their second full laying cycle and most of them will be sold, traded or butchered to make room for the chicks I'll be ordering in the spring. I am going to be making some changes in my breed selection this time around and will be adding Black Australorps, Speckled Sussex, Red Sex Link, maybe California Grey and who knows what else once I actually sit down and commit to an order -- I will be keeping and increasing my Easter Eggers and Buff Orps and may replace some of my Wyandottes with fresh birds of the same breeds (SLW and GLW).
There are too many choices! I favor heritage dual purpose birds in general. Production RIRs, sex links, and New Hampshires were too aggressive in my mixed flock, so they moved on. Salmon Favorelles are really nice, but almost too gentle to get along with other pushier birds. I started with Belgian d'Uccles over twenty years ago, and still have a small flock of decendents. Nice birds! Currently I've got white Chanteclers, Speckled Sussex, EE's, Australorps, Welsummers, and BC Marans. All nice birds, and also I've liked Plymouth Rocks, and BLR Wyandottes. The hatchery SL Wyandottes weren't as good, also gone. I didn't like the large Brahmas or buff Orphingtons so much, also gone. The bantam Brahmas were really nice, though. Silkies and frizzles needed too much extra care, so all gone. Mary
There are too many choices! I favor heritage dual purpose birds in general. Production RIRs, sex links, and New Hampshires were too aggressive in my mixed flock, so they moved on. Salmon Favorelles are really nice, but almost too gentle to get along with other pushier birds. I started with Belgian d'Uccles over twenty years ago, and still have a small flock of decendents. Nice birds! Currently I've got white Chanteclers, Speckled Sussex, EE's, Australorps, Welsummers, and BC Marans. All nice birds, and also I've liked Plymouth Rocks, and BLR Wyandottes. The hatchery SL Wyandottes weren't as good, also gone. I didn't like the large Brahmas or buff Orphingtons so much, also gone. The bantam Brahmas were really nice, though. Silkies and frizzles needed too much extra care, so all gone. Mary

I agree there are a ton of choices ... I just wish I had more room to get at least 1 of each :)

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