Search results for query: *

  1. 5chicks4us

    Why Organic?

    Here's a list of seed companies free of ties to Monsanto. Copied from Abundant Life Seeds Amishland Seeds Annapolis Valley Heritage Seed Company canada Baker Creek Seed Co. Berlin Seeds - they don't have a website Botanical Interests Bountiful Gardens Diane's Flower Seeds (she...
  2. 5chicks4us

    Why Organic?

    Quote: We use coconut oil, olive oil, or Kerrygold butter (because it is from grass-fed cows) as our oils of choice. We are into "traditional foods" and follow the Weston A. Price line of thinking. I'm sipping on a glass of raw milk right now. Have you checked out You might...
  3. 5chicks4us

    Why Organic?

    Quote: Well, almost all soy is genetically modified and therefore not organic so if your chicken feed says soy and it's not organic feed then it is almost certainly genetically modified. The other heavy hitters are corn, sugar beets (which is a majority of what is labeled "sugar" on the...
  4. 5chicks4us

    Why Organic?

    Have you considered just ordering non-hybrid heirloom seeds? I placed a large order with Heirloom Seeds online back in January and have been pretty pleased with what I got so far. I have noticed that it seems to take longer for them to germinate than regular organic seeds that I've planted in...
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