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  1. 7 Biddies

    7 Biddies' Street

    As long as you're doing ok now. You are, aren't you? Yeah, first time I slipped on the side of a wet mountainside. Second time I slipped at the top of the stairs and went a@@ over tea kettle, as the Brits say, all the way down, landing in a heap at the bottom. I refused to consider that I may...
  2. 7 Biddies

    7 Biddies' Street

    Tell me about it. It's interesting when you graduate about 50 kids per year. The parents used to wander through the buildings at all hours and became distraught when the school put in security measures. They could no longer come in through the back door, seeking free medical treatment from the...
  3. 7 Biddies

    7 Biddies' Street

    A little correction; I'm not a teacher, I'm ... erm ... the School Psychologist for this one horse town. Roughly 1000 students from grades k-12, plus pre-school, home school, on-line school, whatever. If they're school aged, they're mine. I don't do therapy, though, I evaluate for learning...
  4. 7 Biddies

    7 Biddies' Street

    Ditto. I've already answered. Your turn.
  5. 7 Biddies

    7 Biddies' Street

    Hey, kiddo! What's up in your neck of the woods? School's out for the summer (we get out and start back early, here), so I've got the next 2 months off to do whatever I want. Unfortunately, I got way behind in my domestic endeavors while laid up for the better part of 2 years with first one...
  6. 7 Biddies

    7 Biddies' Street

    I sure hope not, as I'm very proud of mine ... and my organic garden, and all the healthy food my little one acre, which I call Sweet Asylum, provides. (The name is a play on my name, Alys, and the fact that everyone feels at peace here, plus the psychology inference.) I call the flagstone path...
  7. 7 Biddies

    7 Biddies' Street

    Lol!! Of course, I was thinking chickens. But, pride in them, too.
  8. 7 Biddies

    7 Biddies' Street

    Right back attcha! (Even though I had to stop and think about pride in what, for a moment. Chicken ownership? Then, it dawned on me. D'oh! A little slow, but I got there.)
  9. 7 Biddies

    7 Biddies' Street

    Let's see: 2 Buff Orpingtons - Goldie & Muriel 2 Black Sex Links - Beulah & Sammy (Davis, Jr) 2 Golden Comets - Sadie & Sophie 2 EEs - Ida & Sylvia This time, instead of just old biddy names, I gave them Jewish Old Biddy names, just to liven things up.
  10. 7 Biddies

    7 Biddies' Street

    I hope so too, since I believed they had all been (accurately) sexed and were females when I got them. (Let's see, 2 of those and 2 of those, and OH! Gotta have a few of those!) I've never had a desire for roosters, ever since I found out they don't lay eggs. :D In the meantime, I discovered...
  11. 7 Biddies

    7 Biddies' Street

    Got my 8 new little ones in the outdoor run a few days ago, and they're having a blast! Now that they have lots of room, one of the EEs is jockeying for position of Head Hen. Right now, though, she's still just a Pesky Pullet.
  12. 7 Biddies

    7 Biddies' Street

    Aha! I'd never heard of the herd before, so appreciate the information. Still snowing in Idaho? Jeez Louise, school will be out tomorrow, here. I use the chain link dog pen for growing them out, after they're too big to stay in the large dog crate. Brooder >>> dog crate >>> dog pen >>> full...
  13. 7 Biddies

    7 Biddies' Street

    Ok. I'm back. I lost my way and my lovely photo for awhile, but all's good, now. I haven't been getting notifications of new posts. Anyone else? Been busy with the yard and trying to put a roof over the 10x6' dog pen that the new girls are going into. I bought all of the supplies, but am too...
  14. 7 Biddies

    7 Biddies' Street

    Oh no. One of THOSE! I had 88 of them on a flight once between DC and Philly. Then had 88 more between Philly and Boston. The smell from the first bunch, set the second bunch off before we even took off. The flight crew gagged walking through the cabin. I was too busy to get sick ... going down...
  15. 7 Biddies

    7 Biddies' Street

    Obviously, I've worked with the public all my life and they never cease to amaze me. One afternoon, after take off, a lady who appeared to be in her 50s, wanted to take a nap during the trip, so she walked to the back of the plane, oh about about 4th row from the last and, finding 3 seats empty...
  16. 7 Biddies

    7 Biddies' Street

    That was back during the *glamorous* days of airline travel, when people dressed up to fly, and flight attendants were called stewdardesses. Jets were coming into use, but there were still plenty of props. I flew on one that was built before I was born!! No female pilots in those days! That...
  17. 7 Biddies

    7 Biddies' Street

    Welcome to my street where you're free to discuss what's on your mind, especially if it's about chickens and other topics that apply to country living. It's all about the simple lifestyle and making friends. Hope to see you, soon.
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