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  1. ADozenGirlz

    Extreme Heat

    LOL Cathiesue, one more for you. Consider how much fun it is to shovel out this pathway to the coop!
  2. ADozenGirlz

    Extreme Heat

    This past October's snow storm left us without power for 8 days with a really unreliable propane generator. Suffice it to say we upgraded STAT!
  3. ADozenGirlz

    Extreme Heat

    Thank you! I'm trying to FORGET all that snow! LOL!
  4. ADozenGirlz

    Extreme Heat

    I'm right with ya here on the east coast and loving the moderate temps!
  5. ADozenGirlz

    Extreme Heat

    Mine want NOTHING to do with a kiddie pool either. Go figure!
  6. ADozenGirlz

    Extreme Heat

    Thanks! If you enjoy that view, please feel free to take my Virtual Coop Tour (scroll the bottom to cut to the chase and see what my chicken compound looks like today!)
  7. ADozenGirlz

    Extreme Heat

    It's easy and inexpensive to make your own elctrolyte solution at home! Here's the recipe:
  8. ADozenGirlz

    Extreme Heat

    Well, that worked out just perfectly then, didn't it??! :)
  9. ADozenGirlz

    Extreme Heat

    Oh no, Stephanie. I'm so sorry to hear it. Hopefully some of these tips will be useful for the rest of your flock. My condolences.
  10. ADozenGirlz

    Extreme Heat

    gale65, you may wish to consider adding electrolytes to their water because if they look hot and stressed they probably are. Here is a simple recipe for electrolytes using common items in your pantry:
  11. ADozenGirlz

    Extreme Heat

    Happy to share, Messy (I just like saying that. LOL!).
  12. ADozenGirlz

    Extreme Heat

    You're welcome, Stephanie. But sprinklers are much different from misters and will not have the same cooling effect on the surrounding air due to the size of the water droplets. Misters work by 'flash evaporation,' sprinklers essentially throw the water to get the ground wet.
  13. ADozenGirlz

    Extreme Heat

    I LOVE the sled idea! I'm wondering if my chickens would go for it when they thumb their noses at a wading pool. Hmmm. We're going to find out!
  14. ADozenGirlz

    Extreme Heat

    They might take the dunking a little bit better. Of course, that would require catching them. LOL!
  15. ADozenGirlz

    Extreme Heat

    It's less spelling than grammar, which is telling and the last person I'd take literary recommendations from is you, Chris.
  16. ADozenGirlz

    Extreme Heat

    I keep a five gallon bucket near my coops for dunking purposes. It sounds like your chickens are in good shape, keep up the good work and I hope the heat breaks for you very soon!
  17. ADozenGirlz

    Extreme Heat

    Stephanie, it sounds like you're doing lots of things help them out, which is great. Providing shade and fresh water are the two most critical things you can do. There are lots of others though and you can read about many of them in this link...
  18. ADozenGirlz

    Extreme Heat

    You clearly are missing the point and it's no use trying to assist you in seeing the illogic in your position. And the word is "meet," their energy needs, not "meat." Meat is a type of protein. Be sure not to over-feed your chickens meat or scratch. I, for one, am certainly relieved to have...
  19. ADozenGirlz

    Extreme Heat

    Very interesting to know that interferes with pysanki eggs.
  20. ADozenGirlz

    Extreme Heat

    First, Chris, nobody suggested 'over-feeding' chickens protein at any time of the year. I have no idea why you twisted the information provided to argue a point that was never even made but I suspect it was for the purpose of arguing something. As for your rude, rhetorial question, my...
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