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  1. Birdinhand

    Need a Cleaner Watering System

    can you temporarily pen them into an area where they can't get to the pond? I can imagine that it would be harder to get them established if they had access to a large body of water. there is no doubt that it takes more work for them to get water from either a VN or a HN than an open water...
  2. Birdinhand

    Need a Cleaner Watering System

    Great news! I think the number one reason this is not yet the #1 waterer is that us humans have such a hard time wrapping our minds around how easily the chickens will pick it up... that was the case for me and now I only wished I had started with this style. I've tried a variety of heights...
  3. Birdinhand

    Need a Cleaner Watering System

    my experience is that, given a choice, they will always prefer an open water dish... but they don't know what we know, that all that dirt they throw around when dusting, is full of microbes/parasite eggs/etc that can be quite harmful to them. they get used to it pretty quick though and this...
  4. Birdinhand

    Need a Cleaner Watering System

    the instructions that came with mine were pretty adamant that all other sources of water must be removed.
  5. Birdinhand

    Need a Cleaner Watering System

    this one is my favorite so far, you can see the water level from the outside but it doesn't let UV in so no algae build up. it has a simple cap in the lid that allows a hose for filling without removing the larger lid. for some reason these nipples don't leak. I was told that this...
  6. Birdinhand

    Need a Cleaner Watering System

    make sure you remove all other sources of water, they have to be motivated to learn. mine picked it up right away once they got thirsty. the red color of the nipple is very attractive to them, they start pecking it and water starts coming and voila!
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