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    My girls aren't laying :(

    My ducks seem to be molting, that's evident because of all the duck feathers, but the hens on the other hand, its a mystery. they all have red faces and redding combs now, (some days the comb looks read and others it looks a dark pink) and one of them 's pelvic bone is even wide enough to fit an...

    My girls aren't laying :(

    I have 2 Buff Orpington pullets and an Austrolorp pullet, as well as an Easter Egger Cockerel that were born at the end March, I also have a Faverol but I'm unsure as to her age because she was found by my uncle and brought to me, also I have a leghorn rooster that's well over a year old(he's in...

    My girls aren't laying :(

    I have 3 hens and 3 female ducks that I got when they were maybe 2 days old on April 2nd and none of them are laying yet and I'm getting worried because first I read that they should start laying at 20 weeks, then someone else told me 5-7 months. Also, I have a female duck that is over 1 year...
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