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  1. ChevygirlBeth

    Suggestions for making it through hard times - add some, no whining!

    Normally I grow most of my own veggies and freeze or can them. This past year due to some circumstances beyond my control, I was unable to keep up with the garden, so I didn't get as much put up as normal. Instead I've been buying up the frozen veggies when they go on sale. My freezer is...
  2. ChevygirlBeth

    Suggestions for making it through hard times - add some, no whining!

    Lots of good info here - thanks for sharing! I do a lot of what is listed here already, but there was a few new things mentioned that will help us out, too! One thing that isn't an option for everyone - we're going to be saving a lot in our new house since we'll be heating with wood rather than...
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