Suggestions for making it through hard times - add some, no whining!

AHappyChick- Could you elaborate on this:

I got the "Time of usage" plan with my electric and gas company and now pay based on peak and off peak times. By changing what time I ran the big stuff (laundry, dishwasher etc) I was able to cut my bill in half.
Another one.. I use dry milk in all baking because a single box will last me a long, long time. I negotiate with store managers for just-expired or expiring-tomorrow whole milk that will then be turned into yogurt. I can make huge batches of yogurt for less than a six pack of the little cups, and yogurt freezes fine. It'll look funny when you thaw it, but stirring it up with a fork fixes that.

That'd be a great tip for anyone who gives yogurt to their birds.. Take a gallon of milk - any milk, literally, even soy or reconstituted - and heat it to 185F. Cool the milk to around 110F. Add half a 6-oz cup (or the whole thing if you want) of plain yogurt that's been warmed to room temp. Stir like the dickens with a whisk. Either pour back into the gallon container or pour into your storage containers and stick in your brooder or 'bator for about 7 hours. It needs to incubate at around 100F for about that long - longer if you like it really tart, less if you don't.

Well my company is called Con-Ed but I know many offer this. You get a special meter (they will provide) although my company charged me a little for the service. Then it monitors when you use you gas and electric. For me "On Peak" is from 10am-10pm Mon-Fri and "off peak" when it is MUCH cheaper since most buisnesses are not using as much and there is more to go around) is from 10pm-10am Mon-Fri and ALL HOLIDAYS and WEEKENDS. Works great for me since I dont have many lights on during the day time anyway and I just run the dishwasher before I go to bed. The laundry thing took a little while to get used to since I am too slow to do it in the am and to tired to stay up late doing it. The result is I bang it all out over the weekend which is a bit of a pain in the but when it is nice outside and I would prefer to be in the garden. But it really is a good deal if they offer it, and most companies can tell you an estimate of what you would save based on your pass usage so that you know it will work for you before making the change.

Hope that helps. ps no time for spell check so sorry if it is aweful
Great info guys! I also use and craigslist for free items. I reuse pretty much everything (we dont throw away anything) I can find some kind of use for it. You just have to keep things organized. I even wash out my ziplock bags and reuse them, if they get holes in them I use them for covering small plants when theres a frost or to hold things like tissues in my purse.
Lots of good info here - thanks for sharing! I do a lot of what is listed here already, but there was a few new things mentioned that will help us out, too!

One thing that isn't an option for everyone - we're going to be saving a lot in our new house since we'll be heating with wood rather than paying for fuel oil. Also, the new house has nice replacement windows vs. the single pane super leaky windows that are in our current rental house. If you do have single pane windows - covering them from the outside with heavy plastic helped us quite a bit with our heating bills (we tried using the kind you put up inside, but the drafts were so strong, it blew the plastic off!!).

Another thing that has helped is that we switched almost every bulb in the house over to CFLs. They really do make a difference.

I'm a Craigslist junkie - it's amazing what you can find there cheap or free! It's like and on-line yard sale and I love it!

Edited because I cannot type today!
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You are all giving such fantastic tips for everyone and I have picked up some great ideas that I can use in the coming year.

Are any of you planning any new ideas for this year?

I grew my own tomatoes last year, and this year, after building my own run for my chickens last year I am now building a kind of greenhouse for on the patio, all with salvage wood, and some plastic sheeting.

Then I can grow more tomatoes, and some other things too I hope.

I am also starting a raised bed for vegetables and herbs.

and I am growing some bedding plants to sell, as well as to make my own garden look good.

This year for sure I am going to get a log burning stove to help with the . bills. I have huge trees in my garden and they have to go to make way for some more fruit trees.

Any more suggestions? All gratefully received.

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I feel very blessed to have a dent and bent store less than a mile from me. It's owned by Mennonites and many of the locals have homemade items food such as baked goods and soup mixes there. I love the deli, I pay $2.09/lb for american cheese and regularly pay less than 1/2 of what the grocery stores charge for all deli meats. Last week I got a 20lb bag of Carolina rice for $7.49 You have to watch for expiration dates but it's well worth the effort.
Anyone in PA feel free to PM me for directions

I got the chickens specifically for food in lean times and have plans to expand my garden and possibly add some blueberry and raspberry bushes next spring. I think I have my brother talked into an acre sweet corn patch on his land
If I'm still caring for my grandfather in the spring I will plant the garden grandma had last year, it's small but it will help stock his freezer.
I also follow my DH & DS around the house turning off lights
I'm starting a cheapy hydroponics garden to have veggies and herbs and some fruits in the house all year round. Looking into a wood or pellet stove for the basement to help with heating costs. Building a "greenhouse" that's actually just a heat well for the outside of one lathe and plaster wall which we can't access to add insulation to. Looking into solar and wind helpmeets for electric and heat. This is going to be the year I get the house as off the grid as possible on the cheap.

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