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  1. ChickenSahib

    Feeder and waterer

    Hmm. The coop doesn't have much room in it anymore after adding a roost and two bucket nests (one laid an egg in it while we were fixing the coop up!). I think I'll just put it outside. I found a pan! This should work right...
  2. ChickenSahib

    Feeder and waterer

    Sorry for the double post, but I need to know if the feeder should be inside or outside of the coop?
  3. ChickenSahib

    Feeder and waterer

    Found a perfect project! And I can't seem to get through to my grandma about the scratch/grains she feeds the chickens. She just feels sorry for them and gives them it. I'll try talking to her again. Thanks!
  4. ChickenSahib

    Feeder and waterer

    Hey All, So, I've been trying to help my grandma with her chickens. It has come to my attention that she doesn't have a feeder or a waterer. For water she has a small tupperware thing filled up and for the feed she just scatters it like scratch. Also, she gives a lot of scratch out because...
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