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  1. Chickerdoodle13


    I sketched something new tonight. It's been a while since I've drawn anything!
  2. Chickerdoodle13


    Quote: Of course! I just took a quick photo, because I thought you might call it something different across the pond there. Hope this helps!! Pinky, I like your picture of the birds! Another Aliens fan, huh? XDD My friend...
  3. Chickerdoodle13


    Quote: Yep, that's the song!
  4. Chickerdoodle13


    I don't know if digital artwork counts, but here are a few things I posted in the tablet artwork thread. I'm still new at the tablet, but I really like working with it! I'm still not great, but my techniques improve each time I do something new. And a cartoon I drew one night while I was...
  5. Chickerdoodle13


    Very nice! I love drawing eyes too. They can give any drawing so much personality!
  6. Chickerdoodle13


    Very nice! I love the longtail rooster sketch! The horse drawings/paintings are very nice too! I can't wait to see how the painting looks when it's done.
  7. Chickerdoodle13


    Quote: Aww! He's cute! I hate feet, hands, and legs/arms. I have such a hard time getting those right!
  8. Chickerdoodle13


    Here's my most recent sketch. I put it up in the other animals section but figured I'd post it here too!
  9. Chickerdoodle13


    LOL, I have trouble drawing any faces...anime or real! If I try really, really hard I can draw a nice face, but it'll take me hours because I try so hard to make it realistic. It would be more like a portrait really. Otheriwse, I find it very difficult to draw a quickly sketched face and I also...
  10. Chickerdoodle13


    I tried very hard to get the arms righ ton this picture, but I'm still not completely satisfied with the "movement". Looks a bit unnatural, but hey at least I'm getting practice! Anyways, this picture illustrates how I felt yesterday when my computer was misbehaving.
  11. Chickerdoodle13


    Here's a silly little sketch I drew today. It's a quick illustration of how I felt for most of the day!
  12. Chickerdoodle13


    Thank you! I've been trying to make myself draw one little thing at least every night. I just have not been drawing enough at all. I have a tough time with people, but for some reason when I put a reptillian (Or any animal) head on them, they turn out ok. Never could understand that!
  13. Chickerdoodle13


    Here's a quick sketch I did last night. I heard a line in a song and it sort of inspired me (The line above the picture). Of course, the more I look at the picture, the less things I like about it, but overall I think it is one of my best "people-ish" sort of drawings. I think its cute if...
  14. Chickerdoodle13


    I don't draw as often as I should, but I have a few sketches I've done over the past year. (I'm not very good at drawing people or bodies so this one isn't great. I just wanted to get an idea on paper) This is a sketch of a character I played in a game a few years back. Another little...
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