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  1. Chickielady

    Java Thread

    I have not gone through the ALBC breeders book, but I do have the SPPA book here handy. There is Mottled javas bred in NY and 2 breeders listed in VA that close enough ? Try Terry Johnson at : [email protected] Says she ships eggs Soon as I have a minute to myself I will look...
  2. Chickielady

    Java Thread

    Can't waite to see pics ! They are such pretty birds !!!!!!!
  3. Chickielady

    Java Thread

    Engteacher is out your way also, if I remember correctly...somewhere in New England I think...or was it Minnesota ????????? Somewhere very cold ! He has very nice javas.
  4. Chickielady

    Java Thread

    Thanks ! We have been so busy (now painting the exterior before the rain comes back here) and wiring & insulation in our house build, that I have hardly any time to ship eggs, sell birds or get on line, so I have removed a few ads. Those of you who were wanting eggs, e-mail Monte Bowen or you...
  5. Chickielady

    Java Thread

    Monte sent these to me, I am forwarding them on...hopefully they do not put me in the PEN for posting. I might add, post some photos of your daughter's birds, and I'll try & talk Java Cock into coming back on & tell you what he thinks ! *******************************Click on any Photo to...
  6. Chickielady

    Java Thread

    Nice long backs on those birds !
  7. Chickielady

    Java Thread

    Mottled Javas are gorgeous ! My Bowen Line flock carries a few hens with the mottled gene, which is naturally occurring. These hens (or Cocks) will have a light brown eye color) and breed 2 together, you have yourself a mottled flock start. This photo shows both the dark eye & the light...
  8. Chickielady

    Java Thread

    Exactly...and Purists that have worked so hard to """Bring Back The Black Java""" are a bit miffed (to say the least) that some folks are breeding in other birds to get other colors. There is no other way to get a different color, than to in breed. No way, no how.
  9. Chickielady

    Java Thread

    Seriously, some people just want color, or some people just want BREAKFAST !!!!!!! Others take on the challenge to change the breed to another color, which I totally understand ! It is a challenge, and it is work, and it takes so long !!!!!!!!!!!!!! But in the end, after grading....and grading...
  10. Chickielady

    Java Thread

    I agree, if it is a different color than the SOP, it is not a Black Java is it ? Javas come in 2 colors, Black & mottled. So I have been told repeatedly by the java Gods.
  11. Chickielady

    Java Thread

    I myself am into Crele....and have so far 2 lines, a Crele Chantecler, and a Crele Marans...far more fun than the plain jane lav orps. This bee-utiful boy is a Crele Chantecler X Black Copper Marans...........and I am now giving him a few Silver Cuckoo hens just to see what...
  12. Chickielady

    Java Thread

    seen them, had them, not purple enough for me !
  13. Chickielady

    Java Thread

    Good idea...but lately I have been totally busy with installing home insulation (GAK !!!!!) and re-arranging birds/cocks/coops/egg sales/ sheesh !
  14. Chickielady

    Java Thread

    LOL that is funny...a purple chicken ! How cool would that be ????????? IDK nothing about looking for an engine except maybe a junkyard ?
  15. Chickielady

    Java Thread

    I think your girls are very nice ! Not sad at all, healthy & quite lovely, nice straight backs. I still need a new engine for my truck........... I have no idea where to look ! Any pointers here ? It is one of those gas engines converted to Diesel...and it is dead, so now I have to do a whole...
  16. Chickielady

    Java Thread

    And thanks from sun is very true when argueing with a NIMCOM POOP or other idiot~~~~~~~~~~ Wise saying there. If you do not know, then shut up. I myself am looking for a new engine for my truck, but I am NOT telling anyone that there is NONE HERE. And just remember, you never...
  17. Chickielady

    Java Thread

    I have sent eggs into the west coast of BC, and If you send me your e-mail address, I will send you her name there.I think I told you that before ?
  18. Chickielady

    Java Thread

    Quote what you are talking about, please, Mr Javacock ! then we will know to whom you are responding. glad you are here !
  19. Chickielady

    Java Thread

    White javas look a whole like White Rocks...crud ! Why bother ?
  20. Chickielady

    Java Thread

    I was going to say, awesome confirmation.....but then Monte's birds are awesome !!! Gorgeous flock you have there !
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