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  1. CluelessChickMom

    Tractor Supply mess-up

    I was to lazy to type out muffs and tufts and auto correct took over, lol. I do love M&Ms though and would be perfectly fine if they laid those rather than eggs.😁
  2. CluelessChickMom

    Tractor Supply mess-up

    Gotcha, the head and face of one of mine, Pebbles is like that.
  3. CluelessChickMom

    Tractor Supply mess-up

    Mine, Tucson, in May were on 50% off so I think I paid $2.50 ea. Last time I went in they had chicks galore but sign said they were all sold. 😭
  4. CluelessChickMom

    Tractor Supply mess-up

    I don't know what muffs and tufts are, but I have two EEs but only one has a beard and is fluffy underneath. Is that an M&M? Otherwise their coloring and patterns are quite similar. Green legs are a bit freaky. Had never seen them before, lol, but I love them.
  5. CluelessChickMom

    Tractor Supply mess-up

    Cuties. Will be interesting to watch them grow and hopefully resolve the mystery. 😘
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