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  1. Curious1234

    Does my baby chick have Coccidiosis??????? HELP!!!!

    Okay. Heading to TSC to pick some up... I called and they only have the can I dilute that? My chicks are only 2-4 weeks old... Or actually...should I just get them medicated feed??? One chick definitely has stunted growth but all others seem fine...and they are all eating...
  2. Curious1234

    Does my baby chick have Coccidiosis??????? HELP!!!!

    Okay. Will get Corid. But I have noticed there are different %... which one should I get?
  3. Curious1234

    Does my baby chick have Coccidiosis??????? HELP!!!!

    Thank you for the post. Unfortunately, she has passed away just recently. We are all very sad. She came here so plump and healthy..she was actually the healthiest of them all. Can't believe she's gone. RIP little one...
  4. Curious1234

    Does my baby chick have Coccidiosis??????? HELP!!!!

    Thank you for the reply and support. She's really weak now... and very limp. We fed her some yolk and water earlier in the day. We are just letting her rest now. She doesn't have enough strength to even hold her head up anymore. We tried holding her but it seemed like her body temp was dropping...
  5. Curious1234

    Does my baby chick have Coccidiosis??????? HELP!!!!

    So get corrid for everyone?? It's too late to get it tonight and she seems so weak I am afraid she might not make it through the night. I checked her legs and she basically has no muscle left in her legs. :-( She can't even sit up now. She's leaning on her stuffed toy. She's only 2 weeks old...
  6. Curious1234

    Does my baby chick have Coccidiosis??????? HELP!!!!

    What could the other potential diseases be??? She's so small now! We fed her some yolk and water today but she's so tired. :( I don't want to treat her for the wrong thing. I have heard that ACV is really good for the chickens...should I get some and give her some ?? (dilliuted of course) I...
  7. Curious1234

    Does my baby chick have Coccidiosis??????? HELP!!!!

    4days ago, my chick started showing symptoms of weakness. At first, she started eating less of her starter feed. So we started giving her egg yolks. She ate the egg yolks very well but today, she wouldn't even touch it. She has also stopped drinking/eating anything at all today and we had to...
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