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  1. DentedVW

    I rented a house in Utah, and got the chickens in the deal as well.

    Howdy! A friend, well, a kind of friend moved to Heber some time ago. He has a moving company based out of SLC. Or at least he used to. This is a pretty thin connection to Heber. Heh! I have ridden my bike through, at any rate.
  2. DentedVW

    I rented a house in Utah, and got the chickens in the deal as well.

    We were hurting for a place, my wife and daughter were joining me finally, after many months apart, and it was suddenly a "find a house now" situation. I finally found a house that hadn't been rented, which was a problem here. It went up on Craigslist, and I called within fifteen minutes, and...
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