1. EggSighted4Life

    This was our suprise chick. Who and what am I? I have a beard and Im Polydactyl. My mom thinks I'm part silkie. Oh and I'm the Brown one.

    The one thing that isn't lining up is the comb type being pea, But I think I see points like maybe just a very small straight comb?? Can you get a good look and verify? Beard rules out Cochin. It isn't uncommon for hatchery birds be darker or slightly different colored than each other or even...
  2. EggSighted4Life

    This was our suprise chick. Who and what am I? I have a beard and Im Polydactyl. My mom thinks I'm part silkie. Oh and I'm the Brown one.

    Salmon Faverolle?? No Silkie traits seen in that bird, IMO. Wait.. SEVEN toes on each foot?! usually there are 5 per foot on poly-dactyl chickens. Lets see up close photo.. and also color of skin on bottom of feet? Which hatchery did they come from? Possibly an OE.. :pop
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