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  1. Equine_Angel

    Candling at Day 5

    I am hatching 12 Australorps, 12 Silver-Laced Wyandottes and 2 Ameracaunas. We have also just ordered 24 chicks that will be delivered on April 7 (Red Sussex, Barred Rock varieties). I candled one of the wyandotte eggs and you can see this little creature jumping around in there....SO CUTE...
  2. Equine_Angel

    Candling at Day 5

    Thanks for the advice. I have been following a link that showed what some eggs look like at Day 5 and thought it had to be that way. I shall sit and wait....oy vay!
  3. Equine_Angel

    Candling at Day 5

    So I have candled my eggs yesterday which was Day 5. Out of 26 eggs, 17 have begun veining and you can see the beginnings of a little chick! YAY! However, the other 9 show the blood island and that is about it.... Will the other 9 take longer if the blood island is still showing? How would I...
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