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  1. EweSheep

    Why do most people marry?

    Had a few Indian friends that are happily married, rarely I heard divorces among them unless the husband took up the bottle. Arranged marriages are not that bad. Would I encourage it? No.
  2. EweSheep

    Why do most people marry?

    I LOVE the four advises! I am going to steal that for my FB single friends to see THAT! That is what me and hubby are all about! Communication IS very important! I don't know how many time each one of us didn't understand because we all have different meaning about a subject or in what exactly...
  3. EweSheep

    Why do most people marry?

    I love the thread here and that was exactly how I felt. Believe it or not, waiting for two years (with seven years total before marriage), I decided I want to get married, have kids, have a family of my own. My boyfriend (now hubby) didn't see any rush of getting married and didn't think we...
  4. EweSheep

    Why do most people marry?

    The reason it ends when couples say I do is this.....courtship. Once he marries her, he is done winning her fancy and he knows she will make a good wife. Same for vice versa. I've been hearing more and more women are proposing to men than men proposing to women. Took me a little time to get...
  5. EweSheep

    Why do most people marry?

    I agree with these posts.......from butterflies and mindless, air in the sky kind of feeling right down to "settling down", content, deep fondness and deeper feelings.
  6. EweSheep

    Why do most people marry?

    I agree with this when we decided to live together. Would I have change things? No nor can I change it back if I wanted to. the only regret I had, why haven't I met my husband alot SOONER than later! As for the marriage is a religious institution, blame it on King Henry for marrying so many...
  7. EweSheep

    Why do most people marry?

    This is very likely. Her doctor kept stressing her about that because she is in a very high risk for stroke. Its only a matter of time. Since then, she has gone to the hospital and they kept scanning her twice, thinking it is stroke but can not pinpoint yet where it is or a possible clot...
  8. EweSheep

    Why do most people marry?

    She WONT go for counseling or seek help. At the hospital they could not find anything medically wrong with her except the stress she endured to "perfect" her Christmas things and she went into a collapse. Thought it was her heart or something wronky with her diabetes but everything seems to be...
  9. EweSheep

    Why do most people marry?

    Sourland, you almost have to talk to couples that has been married for a very long time. My parents been married for 46 years, will be 47 in a few weeks. They did have a happy marriage until my mother went to the hospital on Christmas Day and stayed for two days. After that, she was never the...
  10. EweSheep

    Why do most people marry?

    Doesn't love waxes and wanes?
  11. EweSheep

    Why do most people marry?

    I remember a good friend of mine talk about love. "Love is deaf, dumb and stupid". I agree, it has to constantly nutured because if it is not tended, it will die out. Take much more work to light it up. Having kids can snuff the crap out of love but ALWAYS make time for the couples to...
  12. EweSheep

    Why do most people marry?

    I think most of us don't follow our grandparents or great grandparents which they did marry out of convience or society pressures. Men must procreate while women stay at home, raising kids. Not an easy life!
  13. EweSheep

    Why do most people marry?

    I had NO interest in men or boys NOR in getting married until I met my hubby. I was 32 when I met him at a Civil War reenactment, he was 35 years old. Both of us never had been serious with anyone, let alone having sex which both of us were terrified. I had a very good job with benefits, so did...
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