1. FloorCandy

    Button eggs thanks Nabiki&co. Also got some rare mix coturnix eggs coming& new incubator (3years Nov12th anniversary hatch)

    The chicks are kept in our classroom which used to be our music room, my husband will play and record music in there, and the chicks always get excited, I always tease him about how chicks love his music lol.
  2. FloorCandy

    Button eggs thanks Nabiki&co. Also got some rare mix coturnix eggs coming& new incubator (3years Nov12th anniversary hatch)

    It seems only some links don’t work, I emailed them and he said he will send me a photo of the red eggs tomorrow, fingers crossed.
  3. FloorCandy

    Button eggs thanks Nabiki&co. Also got some rare mix coturnix eggs coming& new incubator (3years Nov12th anniversary hatch)

    I wanted to check the site and see if they had any photos of the red eggs yet, and it seems their site is gone? You should contact them to see if you’re getting that reship they owe you.
  4. FloorCandy

    Button eggs thanks Nabiki&co. Also got some rare mix coturnix eggs coming& new incubator (3years Nov12th anniversary hatch)

    Do you know how the crowing situation is with buttons? My blind house quail are very noisy.
  5. FloorCandy

    Button eggs thanks Nabiki&co. Also got some rare mix coturnix eggs coming& new incubator (3years Nov12th anniversary hatch)

    I think you should just order as many as your incubator holds from nabiki, and let fate guide the rest 😉 but on a serious note, my Celadon Coturnix Quail ad gets a LOT of requests for buttons, so you could probably sell the extras once you chose which to keep, it seems they’re in high demand.
  6. FloorCandy

    Button eggs thanks Nabiki&co. Also got some rare mix coturnix eggs coming& new incubator (3years Nov12th anniversary hatch)

    Yeah, they just don’t love you the same when they have friends as they did before those friends hatched ☹️
  7. FloorCandy

    Button eggs thanks Nabiki&co. Also got some rare mix coturnix eggs coming& new incubator (3years Nov12th anniversary hatch)

    Yeah, I agree for rare mix you basically got pharaoh and Texas a&m, which are the most common meat birds. they do stop crying after a few days, don’t worry. In the wild, I guess those guys would be the first ones eaten because they’re so loud.
  8. FloorCandy

    Button eggs thanks Nabiki&co. Also got some rare mix coturnix eggs coming& new incubator (3years Nov12th anniversary hatch)

    Very cute! Your calico looks like a pharaoh. Have you tried a night light for the cheeping? Honestly we just learn to ignore it, if you have enough chicks, someone’s always complaining lol.
  9. FloorCandy

    Button eggs thanks Nabiki&co. Also got some rare mix coturnix eggs coming& new incubator (3years Nov12th anniversary hatch)

    Agreed, mine figured out in like 10 seconds that the brinsea drips water down the side into the tank and they all would wait there like a mosh pit, and drink it as soon as it came down.
  10. FloorCandy

    Button eggs thanks Nabiki&co. Also got some rare mix coturnix eggs coming& new incubator (3years Nov12th anniversary hatch)

    We are all Minecraft fans in the house! We started with regular vanilla, then got into modded. My husband and I just finished a skyblock style mod pack, and my kids are crazy hooked on pixelmon! If you haven’t heard of pixelmon, it’s Pokemon combined with Minecraft.
  11. FloorCandy

    Button eggs thanks Nabiki&co. Also got some rare mix coturnix eggs coming& new incubator (3years Nov12th anniversary hatch)

    The ones that don’t develop, we call Christmas lights, because they’re so bright.
  12. FloorCandy

    Button eggs thanks Nabiki&co. Also got some rare mix coturnix eggs coming& new incubator (3years Nov12th anniversary hatch)

    I have that yarn! I bought it to make a creeper pillow, but then found a better color, now I have a huge thing of weird green lol.
  13. FloorCandy

    Button eggs thanks Nabiki&co. Also got some rare mix coturnix eggs coming& new incubator (3years Nov12th anniversary hatch)

    That’s when mine hatch. Our largest snow angel, Snowflake, crowed today :-( hopefully he’s the only male. We call the smallest Baldi, I think she’s a hen, I was hoping they were all hens, but I suspected snowflake was male. Idk if I imagine it, but I feel like the back of hens heads are more...
  14. FloorCandy

    Button eggs thanks Nabiki&co. Also got some rare mix coturnix eggs coming& new incubator (3years Nov12th anniversary hatch)

    I can’t wait to see what you get, I have like 100 set to hatch Thursday but I’m more interested in yours haha.
  15. FloorCandy

    Button eggs thanks Nabiki&co. Also got some rare mix coturnix eggs coming& new incubator (3years Nov12th anniversary hatch)

    It says they lay red eggs, I’m suspicious because they don’t have pics of the eggs.
  16. FloorCandy

    Button eggs thanks Nabiki&co. Also got some rare mix coturnix eggs coming& new incubator (3years Nov12th anniversary hatch)

    Wow you need to contact them and tell them so many are cracked.you should receive at least the number you ordered in undamaged condition.
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