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  1. GardenerGal

    Nankin Discussion Thread

    Yup, the cockerels' combs red up pretty early. One of my hens just set a clutch but only two hatched. It's the lowest hatch rate I've ever had. Usually my hens lay around 8-11 eggs and there has been a 99-100% hatch rate, so this one was a suprise. But the two peeps are healthy. Has anyone...
  2. GardenerGal

    Nankin Discussion Thread

    Thanks chikincrazee. You're right, it is surprising how attached we get! My old hen was gorgeous, perfectly colored, and was the "alpha" hen of the flock right up till her last day. It's strange how it's hard to get good plumage in the hens, but easier for the roos. There must be something...
  3. GardenerGal

    Nankin Discussion Thread

    Quote: Thanks for your kind words, Franciscreek. She was a fine bird, and never was sick a day in her long life. I have no complaints as she was a good breeder of good-quality cocks. The lack of breeding stock in line-breeding can bring out birds with poor traits. I was fortunate that the only...
  4. GardenerGal

    Nankin Discussion Thread

    The birds described as Nankins @ Purely Poultry are too light colored, especially the cocks. Nankin cocks should not be buff or tan, or light red-orange. They should be a deep chestnut red-brown, with black tails. Hens should be a lighter red-buff color. Both should have slate OR white legs...
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