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  1. Harmony Fowl

    unpopular chicken opinions??

    . . . to knit it a sweater?
  2. Harmony Fowl

    unpopular chicken opinions??

    Don't tell anyone! They'll judge you.
  3. Harmony Fowl

    unpopular chicken opinions??

    Then they are weird, technically. ;) This one? Super weird.
  4. Harmony Fowl

    unpopular chicken opinions??

    I stand by what I said. :)
  5. Harmony Fowl

    unpopular chicken opinions??

    Five toed anythings are weird.
  6. Harmony Fowl

    unpopular chicken opinions??

    This makes for the best names! And it works both ways. I usually have a naming theme for chicks. I give them names as soon as I can tell them apart. So sometimes Batman is a girl, and sometimes Snow White is a boy.
  7. Harmony Fowl

    unpopular chicken opinions??

    Unpopular opinion: It is so incredibly iconic to see big flocks of several species wandering around, but (here's the unpopular part) they all do better without the other species. The longer I keep fowl, the more I want to give each of them their own space.
  8. Harmony Fowl

    unpopular chicken opinions??

    Unpopular opinion: turkeys are not friendly and dog-like. They are obsessive and if they were not clumsy as hell, many more would have serious problems keeping them. I'm not not keeping them, but I recognize my tom's sneaker dance for what it is: he wants to either seduce or stomp that sneaker...
  9. Harmony Fowl

    unpopular chicken opinions??

    I totally agree. Really these "rules" are intended for newbies who really don't know enough not to get themselves into trouble by wanting ten chickens in that Tractor Supply prefab. The reality, as I've found it, is that the bigger you go, the less the rules apply. 10 chickens in a space...
  10. Harmony Fowl

    unpopular chicken opinions??

    Unpopular opinion: Your chickens are not people. If you are chickening them as people, odds are you're doing something a) unnecessary and/or b) wrong. You may also be people-ing wrong.
  11. Harmony Fowl

    unpopular chicken opinions??

    Yesssss, that's what I should have said. CLASSIC. Just not boring all buff kind of classic. But classic in the other classic classy ways.
  12. Harmony Fowl

    unpopular chicken opinions??

    I did for a long time, too. Then (here's another unpopular opinion) I decided layer feed is just a bare minimum thing and I wanted to do better.
  13. Harmony Fowl

    unpopular chicken opinions??

    It occurred to me to say almost this exact thing, but I thought I'd better not. Why piss off so many extra people? I've done enough already.
  14. Harmony Fowl

    unpopular chicken opinions??

    I knew it would be too specific for most people to agree with, but hence unpopular. I just find single combs really attractive. I have tons of others, but I wouldn't mind breeding those out and retaining only the single combs. And the legs. 1000% aesthetic preference. I have a list ranked...
  15. Harmony Fowl

    unpopular chicken opinions??

    Only single combs look like real chickens. Also, yellow legs make them look like fake chickens.
  16. Harmony Fowl

    unpopular chicken opinions??

    Chicks should only be kept indoors until the age of 18 and should not be integrated into another flock until they complete their PhD.
  17. Harmony Fowl

    unpopular chicken opinions??

    ACV helps some stuff. :oops: Not everything, but a couple things, at least.
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