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  1. Haunted55

    Dont forget to separate your breeders

    Thanks so much for the time line Celtic. She's in the house with me until everything goes back into place and the weather calms down a bit. Going to have to be really careful putting her back out in their house.
  2. Haunted55

    Dont forget to separate your breeders

    It did in Lucy's case...I think. She had an egg she was not able to get out and another rubber one a few minutes behind it. From what I've read it can be caused by low calcium levels, or eggs that are too big in a young goose or genetics or.... Celtic and others would have a much better idea...
  3. Haunted55

    Dont forget to separate your breeders

    Oh, me too Celtic, me too! How long a time period before reintroduction? I figure each set of circumstances will be somewhat different, but once she looks and acts healed...2 days, a week? Are there any other issues that would need to be addressed? Like how often breeding should take place?
  4. Haunted55

    Dont forget to separate your breeders

    Okay, another question has come up with what happened here yesterday. Morning chores, I noticed one of my trio had prolapse. After moving her into a dog crate in my livingroom [only space available], taking care of her all day yesterday and today, I started thinking. What do you do if...
  5. Haunted55

    Dont forget to separate your breeders

    I don't mean to sound dumb but really? I honestly thought they were. Wow, okay 3 steps back and tomorrow 1 step forward. Like we discussed before Celtic, in my case it doesn't matter as much because they are hatchery broods but I would like to have some Toulouse and Embdens as close to pure...
  6. Haunted55

    Dont forget to separate your breeders

    I have to agree with this, even though I am guilty of not doing so yet. I have 5 ganders who have mated but are still unattached, between the Embdens and Toulouse. Ling-Ling my Chinese gander came up with the gold watch. He has two Toulouse females and they will fight tooth and nail, so to...
  7. Haunted55

    Dont forget to separate your breeders

    So far the geese have left the ducks alone but I am not going to take anymore chances. The ducks can have a room in their house and the geese the other. Not ideal conditions but can't build anymore this winter, no other place to house them and the weather is going to be so darned cold they are...
  8. Haunted55

    Dont forget to separate your breeders

    Funny!!! I gave them a little more in years, ducks 3 and geese 4-5. The ducks don't seem to have quite grasped the "UH OH!" factor while the geese do. Silly buggers, I still love them. Mine seem to be taking a break from the frivolities right now. I know it won't last so I am working my...
  9. Haunted55

    Dont forget to separate your breeders

    Oh good! I thought this was just a bit early, lol. This year is really crazy as these birds do not seem to be following the 'rules' as I understood them.
  10. Haunted55

    Dont forget to separate your breeders

    I have a question that I hope someone here can answer for me. My geese are now mating, isn't this kind of early for this part of the country? I have a goose already sitting some eggs. How long does the mating last. I would like to hatch some in the incubator but with the temps and weather...
  11. Haunted55

    Dont forget to separate your breeders

    Well, all I can say is keep checking at TS. Lol, I've been going round and round with Corp. TS for the last month. While I had them, I complained about the book selection they are now carrying. I mean really? Paula Dean? Don't get me wrong, I like Paula but I can get her mags. or books...
  12. Haunted55

    Dont forget to separate your breeders

    It's funny, the year before last, our local Tractor Supply had Storeys goose book. I was just getting into poultry then and didn't even consider getting it. I did get their duck book but haven't seen the book on geese since. Hindsight is a real butt kicker, ya know?
  13. Haunted55

    Dont forget to separate your breeders

    I could but I haven't got one of either, lol. I like to hold a book in my hands and have it take up space on my shelves. We lose power here so often I've learned not to trust electronics. With a book....I can always lay my hands on it and have it work.
  14. Haunted55

    Dont forget to separate your breeders

    I did, I'm on a 6 month waiting list, lol. I think I will just order it online and be done. I have their book on ducks and it's great. Thanks again!
  15. Haunted55

    Dont forget to separate your breeders

    LOL!!! Oh how apt that statement is!!! You are so very right about that. I'll check out the links and thanks for the heads up. I haven't been able to find any books on geese locally but have been reading what I can find. I someimes wonder if I shouldn't be using child rearing books instead...
  16. Haunted55

    Dont forget to separate your breeders

    Mostly for freezer the rest, enjoyment. I don't sell my birds so there's one worry I don't have. Maybe some day, but right now I have to get the home front straightened out before I could even think of a store front. We tried for about 6 hours with the seperation. I just couldn't take it...
  17. Haunted55

    Dont forget to separate your breeders

    Okay I think I've got it now. I am going to try and hatch some, but not yet. What are Chinese and Toulouse going to be like?? I wasn't sure of the lighter frame of the C with the T but they have kind of taken it out of my hands unless I want a bunch of screeching going on. I did try...
  18. Haunted55

    Dont forget to separate your breeders

    Celtic, would you explain the seperating to me. If a set or trio has bonded, do I seperate them from the rest? In my situation, 5 Embdens [3 females, 2 males] and 4 Toulouse [2 males and 2 females]. Then the 1 Chinese. Unfortunately, the 2 T females have taken to the C gander and are always...
  19. Haunted55

    Dont forget to separate your breeders

    This being my first year with geese and ducks, it's interesting to say the least. I have a female Toulouse who is now constantly after me. I'm guessing she wants to have my children. It's like the little kid sitting on her mothers foot and getting the free ride. Yeah, like I said...
  20. Haunted55

    Dont forget to separate your breeders

    Lol! I cleaned the goose/duck house yesterday and had to break up 3 disagreements yesterday. Out of 10 geese I have 3 problem children. They are so busy trying to be flock leader the girls are all turning to Ling the chinese goose. He's quite happy! Inside pens on the to-do list.
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