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  1. Highland Moongazer

    JAN 28th HATCH!!! Who's with me?!?

    I pulled the 3 early hatchers out so they'd stop knockin' around the rest of them. :c)
  2. Highland Moongazer

    JAN 28th HATCH!!! Who's with me?!?

    I have one out, one zipping, and one pipped, and the rest of the 18 eggs are quiet. Hopefully the noise of the others will kick their fuzzy butts in gear cause I need MOAR silkies!!
  3. Highland Moongazer

    JAN 28th HATCH!!! Who's with me?!?

    I'm so on this train! I set 40 silkie eggs yesterday at 7pm. :c) I'm terribly excited, since this is the first hatch in a long time for me. (Are we there yet? How 'bout now?!)
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