JAN 28th HATCH!!! Who's with me?!?

Goddess.. I am SO excited for you.. today is day 21 for mine.. I keep peering in.. but nothing so far..

Can't wait to hear more

congrats to everyone hatching out!!!
I had a crack in an egg a while back and used a thin spear elmer's glue right across the crack. Worked great. I like your wax idea. cool.

This morning, I had 2 more chicks hatch overnight and another during coffee, bringing the total to 5 chicks with a sixth egg that has pipped and is in zipper mode.

That leaves 5 eggs that aren't moving and we are into day 22. I think I misjudged the hatch by 12 hours. The amount of pips to hatch time has been quite long, 18 hours in the case of the first one and about 10-12 hours for the others. It seems these eggs have "cooked" longer than other hatches, maybe it has to do with the weather. Room temps have been 62-65 degrees so the 'bator has had to work a little harder. Marans have always been reliable for me, hatching right @ 21 days.

I am pleased that I haven't done any "rescues." A lot of folks I know go right in if the the egg pips and doesn't hatch after 6 hours. Patience is a key virtue here. I am going to wait at least one more day before going in.

What would you do?
i had one serama egg pip last night before bed and this morning its still the same but i now have one more serama egg pipped and one cochin egg pipped so yeah! hoping they hatch soon. this wait is so stressful and i still have 10 other eggs that i am waiting on to do something.
i'm trying to be good and not sit with my face smushed to the window but its very hard to let them be to hatch.
Discovered this budding cockerel in our mix of chicks hatched around the 16th.... true to his father's breeding(Showing his growing comb at less than 2 weeks old)! His father was a Black Giant, his mom was a Silver Laced Wyandotte.

Edited to add: a better angle to see his growing comb.
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Woke up this morning to take my daughter to school and went down stairs to check the temps. Seemed a little low and the humidity was at 98 (WOW thats HIGH) so went to turn it up the temp just a tad and open the vents to let some of the humidity out and guess what!!!!

I had 3 easter eggers staring back up at me. Last night at 11:30 started day 21 so was not expexting any till later tonight or even tomorrow. I did not have time to take picks because of having to take Sarah to school.

I did NOT tell Sarah that some had hatched because she gets home about 3 hours before I do and did not want her opening the inky. Ya, I know I should tell her not to but she is 13
and "KNOWS IT ALL" and "Dad, you are being so silly" so I figured i would tell her tonight when I get home.

So 3 out last night and 31 to go. Bad thing is I have a SMELLY. But am afraid to open the inky to find it. Hopefully when I take the first ones out I can find it quickly and get it out of there.
Lock down was on Sunday and I have been really good about NOT opening the incubator but.... Today being a day behind hatch day and thinking I had lost all hope for chicks from this batch I candled all of them and filled back up the water wells. I saw movement in a few of the eggs- smelt all of them and don't smell anything yet... A few still look like a blood ring but since I am still unsure of what I am doing I put them back in....

When I first put them in I didn't have a thermometer... When finally got a temp reading the temp was all off and showing 96 degree's (I know I should have tried harder to get to the store before putting eggs in) I think this was day 14 or so. How much hope do I have for the 6 or so that I saw movement?

How many more days should I leave them in there?

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