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  1. Kellow1

    Slightly panicked: Starting to build our Coop...just got 13 Chicks!!!

    Do your chicks have tail feathers? Tuffs of feathers on each side of the head?
  2. Kellow1

    Slightly panicked: Starting to build our Coop...just got 13 Chicks!!!

    The Araucanas are quite rare and would be expensive is true. It's sad when stores rip people off with these lies.
  3. Kellow1

    Slightly panicked: Starting to build our Coop...just got 13 Chicks!!!

    I hope you are feeding a medicated chick starter because outside on the grass, they are exposed to a lot of diseases.
  4. Kellow1

    Slightly panicked: Starting to build our Coop...just got 13 Chicks!!!

    Barnyard because when all breeds are allowed to mix, they create these new "breeds" which are not true breeds. Only breeders, not hatcheries, that control what hens and roos mate will produce pure breeds.
  5. Kellow1

    Slightly panicked: Starting to build our Coop...just got 13 Chicks!!!

    There is no such breed as Americaunas. It is simply the merchandiser's way to sell the barnyard mixes we backyard chickeneers call Easter Eggers because they lay colored eggs!
  6. Kellow1

    Slightly panicked: Starting to build our Coop...just got 13 Chicks!!!

    P.S. That brooder is NOT big enough so plan on changing it to something bigger very soon. That can even be a large cardboard box like appliances come in.
  7. Kellow1

    Slightly panicked: Starting to build our Coop...just got 13 Chicks!!!

    Most likely you have 2 Easter Eggers which will give you some beautifully colored eggs. Depending on the size of the brooder, they will be fine if you put a wire over it to keep them in. Good luck.
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