Slightly panicked: Starting to build our Coop...just got 13 Chicks!!!

That said, are there any first aid basics we should have on hand? Eventually we'll have a sick bird and it would be good to know if there's something we can give them for common illnesses?

A lot of useful first aid stuff is the same as humans or other pets would use - vet wrap, neosporin, vetricyn (which I even use on myself), epsom salts. Anything more specialized I'd get as needed, as expiration dates are something to always keep in mind.
A lot of useful first aid stuff is the same as humans or other pets would use - vet wrap, neosporin, vetricyn (which I even use on myself), epsom salts. Anything more specialized I'd get as needed, as expiration dates are something to always keep in mind.
Thanks! I read on another that someone gave a sick chick activated charcoal, and some other fiber or probiotic type of thing? She was afraid the chick had eaten as poisonous Caterpillar.
Thanks! I read on another that someone gave a sick chick activated charcoal, and some other fiber or probiotic type of thing? She was afraid the chick had eaten as poisonous Caterpillar.

I've never had an issue with a chicken eating a poisonous bug (or plant) - they seem to err on side of caution in not picking up bugs of certain colors or shapes... not sure how they know but they just don't do it. So I don't have anything on hand for such an event.
So how did it go! Is the coop done yet?

I finished mine! So I figured I would check back here since we were in the same boat, lol.

Thanks for asking! Congrats! Yes! All done and moved in last weekend! The coop & run took 5 full weeks. Most of it in the 85-90° hot sun, so everything we could do in the shop we did. So they've been in a week now. I will post more details and pics later this evening, or in the morning. Have some other things I need to do first.
How did your project go? Pics and details? 🐓🐔🐥🐤🐣🐓🐥🐣
So how did it go! Is the coop done yet?

I finished mine! So I figured I would check back here since we were in the same boat, lol.

Hi there, Well I finally got some pics loaded up to my new laptop so I can share them here. (can do it from phone but it never seems to work right) So here are just a couple of them of the coop. We finished it on the 15-16th and moved them in on the evening of the 16th just before a heavy rainstorm blew in! They took to it right away. So far the coop is locked down tight. We have predators that we've been watching for a while on a trail cam facing the coop. A fox. He comes, he circles and sniffs, he doesn't bother digging on the hardware cloth apron and he moves on. Our trail cam has also captured raccoons, a stray dog (with collar), a coyote, tons of deer, an oppossum, wild turkeys, a skunk. Mr. Gray Fox is a regular. Keeping fingers crossed.

The first few nights we "put them to bed" by tapping on the ramp, and even picking them up and putting them on the ramp. After the 3rd night they've been walking up the ramp just before sunset and putting themselves to bed! Love that. Last night we were running behind and when we went out at 8:20 they were all in the coop waiting for us to close the door and take the feed out so the rodents aren't as attracted at night. But we're happy they're doing it on their own. Until we get the automatic coop door installed we're opening in the morning and closing at night. They are MORE than ready to come flying out when we open that door between 7:45-8:15. Right now we're keeping them in the coop 8x8 and run 8x20 all day. In fact, I'm going to go do a supervised free range time, an hour or two, today. The real challenge will be getting them back into the run.

BTW, we didn't have a well shaded area in our back yard and it's completely hilly, no flat spots (except for the house and shop), so we did build it on a slope, leveled it, and created some additional shade with a sail shade over the roof. And new trees. It'll take a while for the trees to provide shade. The metal roof is the only part we were able to salvage from
an old chicken coop previous owners had in back of the barn. Was a mess, other than the roof, which worked out great for us.

I'd like to hear about your coop and run and how that all went down. It took us 5 whole weeks to build the coop and run. My husband did 90% of the work while trying to finish his full time job and transitioning into part time. Oh it was a Fun, fun time. but we're alive, the chicks are alive and well, and all is well.

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....and yes we have two camping chairs in the run so we can sit and hang out with the girls. Almost all of them are lap chickens and will sit on my lap and "let me" pet them. They're lovable. It's part of our morning ritual after they eat, and I usually bring in a paper plate of treats like lettuce, kale, melon, strawberries, etc. They say "thanks" by sitting on my lap.

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