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  1. Lincy

    Ameraucana vs Easter Egger debacle

    It's OK. I completely understand! I am a horrible speller and normally go with what my phone suggests.
  2. Lincy

    Ameraucana vs Easter Egger debacle

    I'm sorry.... I have listed him as an Easter Egger... Not an ameracauna. People still think that's what I have despite correct labels due to the breed being mislabeled so much. No need to be rude about a spelling mistake.
  3. Lincy

    Ameraucana vs Easter Egger debacle

    The miss labeling of EE is causing me grief when selling my extra rooster. Everyone comments asking to buy the Americana and then backs out when I correct them. *sigh* I kind of understand why people sell EE as Americanas. My bad.... Ameraucana
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