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  1. Lophura

    Hungarian Partridge

    I recommend to take one of the dead birds to get a necropsy done as soon as possible. Many university extensions can help you out with it or find a vet that would be willing. Might cost around $50 bucks, but would be worth it to get the exact cause and treatment/prevention. I'm no vet, so...
  2. Lophura

    Hungarian Partridge

    Quote: Hi Denise, No real special requirements different from your Bobwhite, but will require more space and a planted, ground aviary suits them best. Males can be a little nasty at times, best to house just one per aviary. Otherwise, easy game birds to care for. Dan
  3. Lophura

    Hungarian Partridge

    Quote: They are quite commonly & easily kept/bred in captivity, second to the Chukar. species page - What kind of tips are you looking for? Dan
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