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  1. Lucky KY Chicks

    Breeder Pen Designs *Inspire Me*.

    I'm looking into building hoop coops for mobile turkey breeder pens. Does anyone have any experience making these coops mobile but still predator proof to all predators from least weasels to raccoons and bobcats? I'm thinking about using 1/2 inch hardware cloth all over except the bottom but...
  2. Lucky KY Chicks

    Breeder Pen Designs *Inspire Me*.

    I want to get Embden Geese this summer! In my experience raccoons only come out at night but I would not put it past a hungry one to come out in the day. And raccoons are known for coming back every night to test the coop so one night forgetting to lock up can be disastrous.
  3. Lucky KY Chicks

    Breeder Pen Designs *Inspire Me*.

    Let's start this thread up again! I'm looking to build turkey/chicken breeder pens right now. I want them to be mobile so the turkeys can graze most of their food but we have tons of predators here so that is a major problem. What do you all do to prevent them? Since I'll be breeding heritage...
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