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  1. Mace Gill

    Fun frozen treats for hot chickens?

    I have an old chest freezer ... I'll freeze some gallon plastic water bottles and put them in there ... helps the freezer run more efficiently when it is not full, and if there's a power outage, I have back up for keeping food cool ... anyway ... Every once in a while on a REALLY hot day, I'll...
  2. Mace Gill

    Fun frozen treats for hot chickens?

    They work! Blueberries, small broccoli crowns, garbanzo beans if you want protein, watermelon chunks ... whatever! By the way, a goodly sized seedless watermelon chunk straight out lf the fridge is good too. They'll love it and it will help keep them hydrated
  3. Mace Gill

    Fun frozen treats for hot chickens?

    S'okay ... week is OVER now! Resting and struggling through the other trials of life :) And ... now we've hijacked the thread ;)
  4. Mace Gill

    Fun frozen treats for hot chickens?

    Truth be told? Tired. We're short handed at work and the past three weeks some key personnel have had planned vacations ... this past week was extremely busy, I put in over 60 hours, and I am BEAT! Getting too old for those kind of work weeks!
  5. Mace Gill

    Fun frozen treats for hot chickens?

    Especially don't use cracked corn when you're worried about them being too hot ... but great to give them other times of the year as a tart. Especially in winter when there isn't much forage to scratch at and they're bored ;)
  6. Mace Gill

    Fun frozen treats for hot chickens?

    I've used corn too, but don't! They have to grind up the husks in their gizzards and that generates heat. Corn is better in the cooler months :)
  7. Mace Gill

    Fun frozen treats for hot chickens?

    Take a muffin pan, and in each cup pour in some peas and/or berries and the like. Fill the remaining space with water. Freeze. Hot day? Pop a couple out and out in a pan out where the chickens are! Mine love it!
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