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  1. MagistraTn

    10 month old black ameracunas not laying

    Thanks. I had read they can take a year. God clearly wants me patient as well as trusting!
  2. MagistraTn

    10 month old black ameracunas not laying

    the days are getting longer, but it’s February in the heartland. I’m getting 5-7 eggs a day from the other 10 hens. The amerucaunas do squat and hang around the nesting boxes, and I don’t think that they’re laying in some other area in the run, I’ve searched.
  3. MagistraTn

    10 month old black ameracunas not laying

    I have a small flock and most everyone is doing well, but my three black amerucauna chooks have not yet graced me with a blue egg. They are a little more skittish than my others (15 total; 4 barred rocks, 3 black laced Wyandotte & 1 roo; 3 black copper marans & 1 roo). Barred rocks are 2 years...
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