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  1. Megan Amber

    What you need to know about Vultures(evil things!)

    I know right!? Pretty cool Info, especially for a chicken coop salesman! LOL
  2. Megan Amber

    What you need to know about Vultures(evil things!)

    That's a good idea. Thanks for the info!
  3. Megan Amber

    What you need to know about Vultures(evil things!)

    I do have an actual coop but I would let the broody mothers raise their chicks in the surrounding fence with their own run. I let them raise them as long as they want and sometimes that's too long. I had way too many birds out.
  4. Megan Amber

    What you need to know about Vultures(evil things!)

    Finally, Thanks. That's what Iv'e been saying- driven to that point by hunger! I'm embarrassed to say they didnt have much cover and I had way to many out. I have locked most of them up and have not had as much of a problem since taking preventative actions. What kind of dog do you have?
  5. Megan Amber

    What you need to know about Vultures(evil things!)

    We have lived here in S.C for a few years and they never behaved like this before! I really think they were driven to it by hunger. Already am but am risking my reputation to say that we began feeding them a ways off to keep them off our birds and it actually worked pretty well!
  6. Megan Amber

    What you need to know about Vultures(evil things!)

    Greetings Centrarchid. Have you gone and read any of the links that people have posted?
  7. Megan Amber

    What you need to know about Vultures(evil things!)

    I am glad to hear it. Thanks for your support too. I am still trying to find good deterrents. The fake owl decoy we bought has worked pretty well.
  8. Megan Amber

    What you need to know about Vultures(evil things!)

    Thanks, Now if I could only convince centrarchid!
  9. Megan Amber

    What you need to know about Vultures(evil things!)

    Exactly. That is what I have been trying to say. As hard as it may be to believe there is always an exception somewhere! Thanks for the support and the links.
  10. Megan Amber

    What you need to know about Vultures(evil things!)

    I promise you that it really does happen. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. If you click on the link a few posts back there is another witness to my case. I believe that they do not prefer to hunt, however because of the warmer winter we have had down here fewer...
  11. Megan Amber

    What you need to know about Vultures(evil things!)

    If I can I will. What do you mean ''student of Vultures''?
  12. Megan Amber

    What you need to know about Vultures(evil things!)

    I completely understand your disbelief. Like I said it was very surprising. However I have stated the facts. If you look up on you tube vultures hunting live prey you will get results! At least I did! Like I said earlier they will stalk my duck!
  13. Megan Amber

    What you need to know about Vultures(evil things!)

    I most definitely am seeing Black and Turkey Vultures. Thanks for the link!
  14. Megan Amber

    What you need to know about Vultures(evil things!)

    Yeah but that's what I'm saying. There was no body in the fence. There was no body anywhere(and you better believe I looked pretty dang good!) except in the vulture scat! We have a LOT of vultures around and I have taken to studying there way's. I will have to try to get one stalking my pet duck...
  15. Megan Amber

    What you need to know about Vultures(evil things!)

    They were the only thing that could have gotten them! There was no body but later I would find feathers and bones under tall trees covered guessed it...Vulture poo! It was difficult for me to believe at first!
  16. Megan Amber

    What you need to know about Vultures(evil things!)

    Hello every one. Not to long ago my family and I made a discovery that blew our minds. We were having chickens dissapear almost daily and could not figure out how. We at first thought a hawk but the only birds around were vultures and the symptoms did not fit. There were no shredded feathers or...
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