What you need to know about Vultures(evil things!)

I completely understand your disbelief. Like I said it was very surprising. However I have stated the facts. If you look up on you tube vultures hunting live prey you will get results! At least I did! Like I said earlier they will stalk my duck!
I watch a lot and study up on them at every opportunity. Multiple roosts including both black and turkey vultures where close to my family farm and interactions between vultures and live chickens were not noted over many years. Some of the people I have worked also make part of their living studying such critters and they have detailed observations to pull from.
I promise you that it really does happen. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. If you click on the link a few posts back there is another witness to my case. I believe that they do not prefer to hunt, however because of the warmer winter we have had down here fewer animals have died, resulting in them being hungrier and resorting to hunting.
The afterbirth probably attracts them in. If there's one thing I've learned it's that there is always an exception to the rule with nature. You would not be able to convince me that a lioness would care for a baby antelope as its own, but there is a documentary on it.

Animals adapt. It's how they survive.




Thankfully, this calf is already able to walk
Exactly. That is what I have been trying to say. As hard as it may be to believe there is always an exception somewhere! Thanks for the support and the links.
I have a Masters degree in Natural Sciences and worked at a nature center for 15 years. Sometimes people would come in and say they saw this or that, and I would be thinking in my head... "Lady, what in the world are you smoking!?" LOL. Some of them were actually able to give proof, and I started looking at every situation with an open mind. :)

Good luck to you and your chickies!!

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