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  1. MegsEggsx

    The Secret Life of My Flock

    Flock doing well this afternoon. Honestly they all seem a lot more relaxed. Cupcake and Muffin aren’t getting picked on which is good. I gave them a quarter of a watermelon topped with blackberries as a treat about an hour ago and it had been reduce to a pink puddle in a green shell. Mum told...
  2. MegsEggsx

    The Secret Life of My Flock

    Thanks so much. I know, it is so lucky that he is wanted and not just like ‘yeah whatever I’ll take him’. I know he is going to a really good home. Said good bye this morning, my mum is taking him to his new home right now. My sister cried a lot. I am ok I am going to miss him though.
  3. MegsEggsx

    The Secret Life of My Flock

    Cookie is leaving us tomorrow 😭. My mum called the woman we bought him from and she is very excited for him; she doesn't have a rooster at the moment and needs one because she obviously breeds them. I am glad that he is going to a home with no other roosters actually because he is still no...
  4. MegsEggsx

    The Secret Life of My Flock

    Helloooo Pictures of the Silkies eggs: They are so small and funny shaped!😂 Also like too add that this is the one hundredth post on this thread! Edited to add: The brown egg is Roxy's egg she layed on the same day. Honestly it is a fairly small one for her.
  5. MegsEggsx

    The Secret Life of My Flock

    Do you want the good news or the bad news first? I always say the bad news first so I can wash it down with the good news, so: The bad news: So I woke up this morning and walked outside to let the chickens out and the moment I stepped out the door there was a cock-a-doo-da-loo! I called out to...
  6. MegsEggsx

    The Secret Life of My Flock

    And yet another Meg story!!! 😂 Well really it concerns the entire flock but it is beginning with Meg. I woke up this morning to find that Meg has officially begun her first annual molt! She is looking pretty funky! Hay-Hay has begun too but she is looking much better than Meg. I have found quite...
  7. MegsEggsx

    The Secret Life of My Flock

    A story that I forgot to tell: It has been pretty miserable the past week. Very heavy rain on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and the rest of the week was grey skies and the constant drissle. I think it was Thursday, yes it was, my Mum, my sisters and I had been out late. I didn’t realise we...
  8. MegsEggsx

    The Secret Life of My Flock

    Meg has still been able to maintain her role as Queen Bee even after spending 3 weeks 'on strike'. She knows Cookie is on the rise though; I often (almost every time I check on them) see Meg and Cookie fighting. Most of the time Cookie backs off after a little while but when he is feeling bold...
  9. MegsEggsx

    The Secret Life of My Flock

    Not quite as rainy today. All of the flock came out of the coop when I let them out. On both yesterday and the day before it stopped raining between about 2 and 4 so hopefully they all got out at some point to scratch around. The sky is very grey and there is a pretty decent down pour. It is...
  10. MegsEggsx

    The Secret Life of My Flock

    It has been raining very heavily today and yesterday. Yesterday I opened the door (while it was bucketing down) to the coop and the big girls all ran out to dance in the rain! It was like they didn’t even notice it was raining even though they were already soaked! The floor of the run had...
  11. MegsEggsx

    The Secret Life of My Flock

    4 days in chicken jail and Meg is still broody. Her broodiness has caused her to lose a lot of weight, she is getting very skinny. I am feeding her scrambled eggs with full cream milk and butter to try to get her to put on a bit more weight. I am also giving her yogurt. Any input on fattening...
  12. MegsEggsx

    The Secret Life of My Flock

    I finally put Meg in the broody cage yesterday. She was not very happy with me this morning, she was giving me the evil eye and was clucking very loudly! 😂
  13. MegsEggsx

    The Secret Life of My Flock

    No, I left my phone back at the house😩! If it happens again though I will definitely try to get one!
  14. MegsEggsx

    The Secret Life of My Flock

    This morning I found Cauliflower, Hay-Hay, and all 3 Silkies cuddled up on the little platform. They were so cute. Cauliflower and the Silkies have been getting along pretty well recently.
  15. MegsEggsx

    The Secret Life of My Flock

    I gave them all some food scraps today and right now I’m watching cookie and cupcake steal cucumbers off each other. Haha, AJ just frightened cookie by coming up behind him and scared him and then stole his bread.
  16. MegsEggsx

    The Secret Life of My Flock

    He’s so cute he is so so so fluffy! I know! It is going to be so sad there will be lots of tears I don’t know how I’m going to do it, but I have to we can’t have roosters in the area we live so I have no choice. 😭😭😭 Great because happy and healthy is all I want my flock to be!
  17. MegsEggsx

    The Secret Life of My Flock

    Some pics like promised: Lj chillaxing in the sun. Curious Cookie Roxy growling at me when she was trying to lay an egg. Aj and Comical eating some food scraps Cookie looking a bit cranky. And Cupcake on the right photobombing. My little broody baby Meggity eggity. Comical enjoying some...
  18. MegsEggsx

    The Secret Life of My Flock

    Whoopsies I forgot again 😁! Anyway here is what has been going on: - I have confirmed Cookie is a boy 😭 and I am just waiting for the day he crows and we have to send him away 😢😭😭😭. - There was a huge thunderstorm and it scared the flock to pieces (and my dog 😆). - I had to give Muffin (the...
  19. MegsEggsx

    The Secret Life of My Flock

    Oh my gosh, I wonder how long it has been since I last posted here! Too long! Sorry, I can't give you guys a run down right now of the past few weeks, I am just about to go to sleep. But if you are interested, I will give a flock update in the next few days, so look out for that! Again, sorry...
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