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  1. N

    USED to have grass before chickens-HELP!!

    YOU UNDERSTAND!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! I really didn't think anyone was telling me to get rid of my chickens out of all the replies. You are totally correct in your love my chickies and during the summer the grass is fine. It's just when winter hits and everything freezes the grass...
  2. N

    USED to have grass before chickens-HELP!!

    Bless you. I have tiny patches here and there widely scattered. Despite them doing the grass major damage, I wouldn't trade them for the world. They are even more entertaining than my dog or cat and that's saying a lot! Spring is a'comin so you might find some grass left too.
  3. N

    USED to have grass before chickens-HELP!!

    Excellent idea!! So far, no fence jumpers....thank God! That was one thing about RIR I found REALLY irritating! lol
  4. N

    USED to have grass before chickens-HELP!!

    Yep! Found this on Amazon too. Getting a 1 lb bag as well to use in their run. Premium Chicken Poultry Pasture Forage and Fodder Seeds (1-lb. Bag) - [33% Each: Clovers, Supplemental, Grains]
  5. N

    USED to have grass before chickens-HELP!!

    Thanks! Starting with your initial suggestion...gets here 3/11 from Amazon. I'm off the whole next week so can work on fencing that area off.:):celebrate
  6. N

    USED to have grass before chickens-HELP!!

    sorry, North Carolina mountains 3/4 acre lot-back yard probably 1/2 acre. It's just the area immediately around my house that is wrecked. I'll just have to either pen up the kids or block it off to them. Will definitely try your blend of grass seed though. Looks interesting and good for them to...
  7. N

    USED to have grass before chickens-HELP!!

    Good idea! I will actually have posts from their old run I can use.! FANTASTIC!!! Should've thought of that! :th
  8. N

    USED to have grass before chickens-HELP!!

    That is about the only idea I have had too. I'm actually about to put up a new coop and run. Got them a kiddie pool that I plan to put sand, dirt & DE in for them to use for dustbathing instead of creating the holes in my yard that they made over the past couple of years. That's where my...
  9. N

    USED to have grass before chickens-HELP!!

    Tell me about it! lol I love them, but they are hell on grass! Wouldn't trade them for the world though. Any suggestions for the type of grass I should use to cut down on them decimating it again?
  10. N

    USED to have grass before chickens-HELP!!

    OK, I have a question. My chickiepoos have eaten all the grass in my backyard closest to the house. How do I reseed my "mudslide" without them eating all the grass seed? What grass seed is available without a coating that may make them sick or kills them? They free-range my entire backyard with...
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